How are your mock scores?

Hey Warren Buffet, try not to destroy the curve too much for the rest of us…

86% 2014 AM…crazy

I’ve been doing the PM, multiple choice mocks over the last week. A few thoughts…

(i) These PM mocks are basically testing you on Ethics/GIPS, Fixed Income, Derivatives/Risk Mgmt and Currencies. I don’t think these are really great barometers of whether you’re ready for game-day or not b/c there are heavy concentrations to certain topics. Ethics and Fixed Income are maybe 50% of each PM, multiple choice mock?

(ii) Ethics is the most frustrating topic for me. I read the answers and can’t help but think, “How the F do they expect us to get this correct?”

(iii) I’ve found the Schweser PM, multiple choice mocks to be more difficult than the CFAI-provided PM, multiple choice mocks. I’ve ranged 66-75% on Schweser multiple choice and 71-82% in CFA multiple choice mocks. I’ve been getting CRUSHED on Ethics, averaging maybe a 50% overall. Some of these Ethics item sets I’m at1/6 after feeling like I was 5/6. Killing me. I guess I’m falling for their traps.

Admittedly, I haven’t studied Ethics much at Level III. I did very well in the topic at Level I and Level II, but perhaps I’ve been resting on my laurels too much with this topic.


Make sure you go through the curriculum (especially the EOC questions and study cases) for Ethics. Dont overlook this 36 points section.

^I have not done those EOC’s or case studies, and I think that is at least part of my problem. I’ve studied the Asset Manager Code stuff, thinking that combined with my experience at past levels would be good enough…but it is clearly not.

EOC’s and case studies are my study plan for tonight and tomorrow. Need to nail this stuff down. Thanks!

Could you please give us a tip for AM…

Scswer mocks book 1 (PM)

Mock 1 - 70%

Mock 2- 75%

Mock 3 - 60% sad

time to do volume 2… anyone do those yet?

Baseball how are CFA 2014/2015 mocks in difficulty level compared to scswer ?

Where do you find the CFAI AM mocks or past exams? All I see on the CFAI website are multiple choice mock exams. This site I linked below looks legit… is that what you all are using or if not, could someone please link me to CFAI AM past exams/mock exams?

The biggest tip is to grade yourself generously on the AM, add 5% and report it on AF.

Seriously, an 86% on the AM is VERY rare. I wouldn’t put much stock into it. Just my $.02.

Totally agree. Theres literally some AM questions even after reading the answers I don’t understand how one with hypothetically 100% knowledge of the material could deduce it.

May be a bit of a tangent, but don’t think this deserves its own thread -

Schweser online mock exam is available tomorrow - has anyone taken this in the past? If so how do they grade your essay responses?

Thanks in advance.

FYI- he formatted the questions on behalf of CFAI, and “only” scored an 86%…

They don’t grade your exam; you do.

EDIT: Mistake in the graph. I got 65% for Schweser proper afternoon , and 79% for morning. Weird I know, just really bombed the multi-choice.

Ok…AF police…I’ll make sure to subtract 5% from my generously graded AM score than add, next time

I kind of feel like mock scores aren’t as relevant at Level III compared to Level I and Level II. They are good but I don’t think they are as effective in predicting exam day success as in previous levels.

(i) You’re grading yourself in the AM, which is arguably the most challenging part of the exam

(ii) PM multiple choice mocks are roughly 2/3 on Ethics, Fixed Income and Derivatives. I don’t think the entire curriculum is tested in the PM.

(iii) I think the Level III Schweser mocks suck. Their quality deteriorates as you progress up the CFA ladder. Smaller market, less money to be made. I don’t blame them for focusing on Level I – it’s just good business. Just my opinion

I’ve taken mocks but I think down the stretch here I’m focusing my efforts on learning the material and old AM exams.

106/180 in 2012 essay = 58%

41/60 in 2013 CFA PM Mock

Just cant cross 70 come what may.