nobody can possibly deny that a social credit system that restricts movement and opportunity based on an obedience score that is controlled by an opaque totalitarian government is inherently bad for individuals operating under the system. it is literally the antithesis of liberty.
yes, the west has similar social credit systems - credit scores, laws restricting bad borrowers from borrowing again soon, laws, jails, networking, etc - but many of these mechanisms operate separately from each other and are “owned” by various parties. this results in more smaller dislocations amongst the systems which makes the whole effectively antifragile (or close to it) - to steal wording from taleb. the chinese system is the definition of fragility due to no checks and balances and a single owner of all vital systems. in the chinese system you don’t get small blowups and dislocations, you get massive blowups and dislocations. the chinese system appears more stable because its dislocations are infrequent. we will likely see one or two of these blowups/dislocations in our lifetimes. on the contrary, western systems appear vulnerable because they dislocate so frequently but this frequent dislocation helps sustain the health and longevity of the overall entity.
Big fan of social credit system. Right now all I do is judge people based off how they look and talk which though accurate in unfair to a small percentage of people. It’d be nice if we can rate people, much like yelp
a social credit system made of user-input may not be as bad as a government controlled one but still some room for oppression. that said, we face user input when we walk down the street so maybe it wouldn’t be all that bad. i guess it’d come down to the “mission” of the system. are you trying to identify arses and boost the goodies?
i was part of a slambook scandal in 6th grade. i literally got called to principal’s office cuz some chick called the girl i was dating a backstabbing slut for dating me.