How do Asians Stay Looking Young? - beauty tips for men and women

Additionally, just because you don’t look burned doesn’t mean you can’t get skin cancer.

Thanks! i didn’t know >_

but i can’t stress enough, sunscreen is your friend guys ~~~~

My secrets to looking young:

-only use face products on the face, ie. no body soaps or lotions

-no chemicals in the hair except shampoo and conditioner. I dont even use a brush.

-tan in moderation - im only out in the sun maybe a half dozen times a year

-only shave every other day and dont shave most weekends to give my face a break

-regular physical activity and healthy diet

-good posture

I avoid any sun between October and May. From June to September, I catch up big time. Women love the tanned skin, light eyes look.

NANA, with the chance of sounding sexist, I dont think women are allowed in the water cooler section.

Yeah…we won’t play with girls!

Ummm… Hmmmm… Excuse me?

I stay looking young by using puberty blockers. But that’s just me.

Seriously though my parents haven’t aged poorly, are out in the sun far more than I, and smoke like chimneys. So I’m going to be okay (knock on wood). Cheapo lotion is fine with me



Also interested what these puberty blockers are


BChad, is that you?

A) That was posted yesterday in the other thread she started.

B) That’s my job.

C) How was lunch with Dr. Huxtable?

Not disputing that it wasn’t very smart going without sunscreen when I was younger. It was a different generation back then when hardly anyone wore sunscreen. I wore sunscreen all the time while snowboarding but ended up getting burnt at least a few days during a season. I forgot to mention that I used to mountain bike regularly and took in a lot of sun that way too. All of this activity was at altitude which made the exposure a lot worse I’m assuming.

My point was that I think it has more to do with genetics. Most Asians I know (mostly Twinkies so active outdoors) look much younger than they are. People generally get floored when they find out how old I am.

Who is BChad??

Who is John Gault?

Of course, genetics is a huge factor, so if you are born with naturally good skin, the chance is, you can withstand more damages than others.

But back to sun protection, SPF sunscreens are misleading, because even if you apply SPF 50 it doesn’t necessarily mean you can stay out the sun 50x longer than what you would normally get burned. Not to mention, SPF does nothing to protect you from UVA.

Sunscreen also need to be re-applied during the day, EVEN IF they claimed to be sweat-proof or water-resistant.

So the most effective sun protection is still physical protection - wear a hat, sunglasses and stay out of the sun!

I have a 33 year old asian cousin, and she takes sun avoidance to the next level. including gloves and face cover when driving.

She constantly gets mistaken for a 19 yr old undergrad student.

Are you talking about me? :slight_smile:

There are cars in Japan for women, all the windows have UV protection!

Plus there are driving gloves and mask… i do think that’s a bit odd looking (well the sleeves are okay because you can’t relaly tell if it’s a shirt or not), but the mask is too funny and potentially dangerous). i just wear big hats when i go out in the summer, which look good and summery at the same time!
