How do you input brackets onto a BA II Plus calculator?

When I press the key, it does not show on the display.

You can’t do it. Not sure why but that’s how it is.

I see. Bad design. Thanks.

Get the 12c and learn RPN

Whoa… no brackets?? Then you NEED to use the 12c and RPN. At first it seems wierd, and then, once you realize you never need to worry about brackets, you love it!

Plus you will look like a stud with your brushed gold calculator with the sleek horizontal design! The 12c is like a Bentley while the TI is like a Ford Fiesta.

LOL. The 12c is a dinosaur, my 12c takes 10 seconds to perform the same TVM calculation my TI takes less than a second to do.

the bracket does not show on the screen. So if that is your problem - go to the HP12C (to see the bracket).

if you are using the TI - the bracket when pressed does isolate the particular calculation and comes back with the result when you press the closing bracket.


(=start calculation

do steps for calculation

) = end calculation.

cpk is alive!

to be clear … yes - the brackets don’t display but they do work. note, need the ‘x’ after the 7.

7 x (3 + 5) = 56.00

THe old 12Cs are definitely slow, but if you get the platinum or the 30th anniversary, they are just as quick as the ti.