How long Ethics take to finish

Hi all, Any commnets from those who have completed ethics. In level 1 I did with the handbook and I am wondering what is in Level 2. Many thanks S

first 100 pages are the same as level 1, the next 100 pages have some new things… read the cfai text, probably wont take long…

I would do practice problems for the first 100 pages (the C&S portion). Then for the next 100 pages (the new stuff), I would read the CFAI text, do the practice problems, and refer to Schweser’s notes as necessary. Ethics isn’t a very difficult topic in L2, but it is a topic that with some practice, you could do well (because you already learned half of it in L1) and you have to pass this section in order to pass the exam. FYI. According to CFAI’s errata, it is no longer required to inform your employer about the C&S. You are recommended to do so, however. This is probably the only change to the C&S in the CFAI text this year.