Hi guys / gals, Please share your thoughts on this one. I like to read the vignette at least half way through first and then try to solve the first question and then I read the second question and go back to vignette etc. What strategy has been working for you. Please share your strategies so that we all can be better prepared for the forthcoming test.
I plan on reading the entire vignette first, then the questions. However on the first read through it isn’t super focused reading; more like trying to get an understanding of the scenario and figure out where the real meat and potatoes are. Then when I read the questions (since you’ll more than likely have to look back at the reading anyways) you’ll know where to find the information. Also, whenever you see things like: so and so makes the following statements (and then they list the statements), I put an x to the ones that are wrong and a check next to the ones that are right, since you know that there will be questions about those statements.
Start with questions, then skim vignette… I don’t say this, Schweser does.
I’ve only ever read the questions first and have not had any issues. It saves time and makes sense to me.
I like to read the opening paragraph of the vignette to get oriented. If there’s a financial statement, I’ll scan it as well. Then I go right to the first question. Remember, on the actual test, some key pieces of information may not be where you normally expect them.
read first 2 questions first then hit the vigs. if u read more than 2 questions, u forget anything after the second questions. after u answered first 2 questions, u ll just go along with the wave until u finish the set.
unless im doing derivatives. then my plan of attack is to ignore reading the vig entirely and go for the statistical 33%, then push the extra time into FSA and Equity.
Hi All, Thanks for sharing your strategies. I have been reading the first question then the vignette just to be able to answer the question and the second question and further reading of the vignette and then the third question and so on. It does not always work out like this. But, I have provided my general plan of attack so far. But, based on your responses, I may have to scan more of the vignette before starting to answer the questions. Any more comments?