How to Beat Procrastination

Start reading a couple pages a day!

you won’t regret it~

I know it works. The moment you read a couple of pages, you fall in love with the subject, but I don’t understand why I don’t want to fall in love. I am watching a movie. *Regrets* *Wasting my life*

It’s not meant to be for you.

This isn’t undergard where you can party all semester and still pass.

i didn’t party all semester… T_T

agreed. most ppl learn the hard way

Thanks all. That was an eye opener.

Actually, I won’t be able to watch more than two episodes a day; guilty conscience would just kill me. Think of it as making cognitive dissonance work for me :smiley:

Try to improve to no episodes a day the closer you get.

Recalling the bitter taste of defeat and hearing the echoes of people trying to console me was plenty of motivation. Disappointment in loved ones eyes if the above doesn’t work.

If you start jan1, you have about 150 days till test day. If you study 2 hours a day, you will have just hit the 300 hour recommended mark (if you are well versed or a genius, you can do it in less, if you have no background, you need more.)

That is 150 days, every day, 7 days a week. No days off.

Your motivation should be that if you don’t study enough, you have to attempt the above AGAIN and do better on the next test day, or give up.

That’s also the math one would do when they are procastinating…

“if i start in Feb, i still have 4 months, and i can still do 300 hours if i stick to 18 hours per week, which is only 2-3 hours a day…”

But that thinking will soon taken over by “oh no, i must start now, i am now averaging 5 hours per day of studying!!!”


To avoid any unneccesary stress later on, it’s good to start early!

I ordered L2 Schweser books before I even had the L1 December results. That’s how important I felt started early was.

Well esp if you are doing the December and June combo, you need every hour you can squeeze out.

I took dec. 2011 level I test on saturday, bought 2011 level ii books on sunday from a candidate, and started studying for level ii on monday. 2-3 hours minimum from that monday till june. Overstudied and put the beat down on that test!!!

Overstudy is the best study method.

There is always a natural rate of studying. It differs from person to person. If you overstretch yourself early then chances of burnout towards the exam is likely. I always believe in studying less hours per day but starting early enough so that I have enough number of days. That’s almost like margin of safety principle.

7 pages a day isn’t enough.

if you are a slow reader, try schweser instead of cfa material. (but yet I haven’t understood why people talk in terms of number of pages… i just can’t admit that my productivity is defined in terms of number of pages)

Schweser is fine mostly…