How to Beat Procrastination

What? Unbelievable! It’s the worst method tbh.

left, right, up, up, down, B, A

Some advice we give our coaching clients:

Beat procrastination also by identifying the function of your behavior.

Burned out? Take a break or that nap.

Don’t understand material and can’t get past it? Find an expert mentor.

Lost your motivation? Reconnect with the reason you started this hellish process.

Feeling anxious and material just not sticking in the old brain? Take a yoga class, do deep breathing, go for a run.

The material is not the factor here nor the exam. It’s all about how you manage the core actor in this play.

Good luck!

thanks KeepingCalm. how much do yo charge?

I got around to beating procrastination by watching IFT videos at 2x speed.

I’ve got a surefire way to beat procrastination, but I’m too busy to spell out the details right now.
