Quietly walk behind her seat in the office. Then lean down, press your nose to the top of her head, and inhale deeply. This is a subtle but effective way to express your interest.
This is exactly what Charile Sheen said about getting laid.
The secret to getting laid a lot, according to the most laid man in the world, is to ask a lot of women to bone. Sooner or later, you’ll find one that says yes.
As a back up plan, if she rejects you…just play it cool. Act as if it doesnt bothers you. She should not get a feeling that your mind/thought/life(even if thats not the case) revolves around her. Start flrting with her best friend and make her jelous. She will come back to you.
Don’t think of it being “a big step.” It’s not a big step. You’re going to have lunch, or see a film, or some event in the park. None of these are enormous steps.
Your invitation doesn’t have to confess undying love or anything dramatic like that. In fact, it shouldn’t.
It’s just “the natural step, given that you like her, and she seems to like you.”
Take the “perhaps” out of your last statement. Just do it, Mr. Nike.
Your invitation should that you’re interested in some event (as simple as lunch, or as big as going to a show), and you think doing it with her will make it even better. Just have a reason to think she’d be interested in it. Don’t take her to a gun show if she’s a peacenik who loves animals, for example. But if you are into Sarah Palin, for example, a gun show might be just the ticket to her heart.
One week you walk in, she sees you but does not look into your eyes. Next week you walk in, she had her hair done, hand you your items while giving you a big smile. Very beautiful girl.
There is a science to mating my friend. And always be courteous.
But for me woman is a distraction. I used to like this girl in my office. And she also kinda liked me. But as i was pursuing her i found that i was not able to concentrate in my studies. So i let go of her. I told to myself forget about dating and pick up that CFA Book before its too late. She left the company 3 months back and i never tried to contact her and neither did she. I dont know if that was a right decision. But i can definitely not multi-task. Many people successfully manage dating and studies very well. And i ENVY them big time.
If a girl has a crush on you, inside she’s thinking “OMG, does he like me?”
Emotionally, she doesn’t actually like you, but rather, she wants you to like her.
For girls who never had a serious BF before (<24), they’ll often become very shy, she’ll play with her hair, will either stare longingly into your eyes or find it hard to make eye contact. They’re just afraid of rejection at this point. Ultimately, you have to show that you accept her.
For girls who had a serious BF before (>24), they know how to handle the situation better. They won’t be afraid to make small talk or maintain eye contact. Depending on the girl’s personality, they’ll make the first move or position themselves to allow you to make a move.
While these guys are right about comfort I figured I’d be a little more scientific. Some research suggests developing confidence is a result of going outside of your comfort zone and learning that you can cope with even the negative outcomes. The only way to get over that fear of rejection is to do this. Now, the way to mentally view it is there is three circles: inner is your comfort zone, surronding that is outside your comfort zone, and surronding that is panic zone. Take small steps that are out of your comfort zone but not too far to wind up in the panic zone. It’s not a pleasant process, but being insecure isn’t pleasant either – it’s just familiar.