Waiting for a girl to ask you out is the ultimate hacksaw. I will personally fly the finest historical, rusty and corroded hacksaw to the land of Delhi or Mumbai or whatever place RR originates from. Say no more. Just end this nonsense.
I have a fear of rejection.I will only ask her out if i am 100% sure that she likes me.I have found some good feedbacks on this forum and hopefully they will help me.
This is an excuse. You are most likely shy. You will never reach your full potential in life by waiting on others. Stop being reactive and start being proactive.
You should work on this. The best way would be to go out and get rejected, and learn to deal with it. You’ll be more confindent, and more of a boss.
A lot of the men you might know may seem like they don’t get rejected, because they are with so many women. The reailty is that they get rejected as much as anyone else. They are playing the probability. The more you hit on women, the more you get rejected, but the more you succeed, in absolute terms.
Not a good strategy RR. Take some risk - believe it or not rejection can be a good thing from time to time. And if she does end up rejecting you, you’re really no worse off.
You will miss out on a lot of opportunities in life if you wait for the perfect moment. Failure and rejection is what makes you grow. If you’re not getting out of your comfort zone, you’re not growing as a person.
Openly hit on the girl next to her so she gets jealous. When I was in high school, I liked one girl, but she rejects me. Then, I dated her best friend. Then, I heard, they got into a huge bitch fight.
@RR do not fear,if you fear from women you can never ever pump them full of pleasure,she will hate you if she finds out,fear is a very strong female repellent.believe it or not it can cauuse ED just approach her, not approaching her you will become a vagina and never have 12 pack abs
RR - dating is a numbers game. You have to be able to face rejection if you are going to find the girl of your dreams. Not everybody will like you and you have to be ok with that. The more giirls you talk to, the more numbers you get, the more dates you get etc. If you only ask girls out that you think like you, you are missing out on a whole wide world of potential mates.
@RR Confidence acts as p***sy magnet,fear does NOT.Be bold if you must go up to her and tell her you want to have dinner,A BIG WORD OF CAUTION SOME GIRLS ARE SHY SHE MAY REJECT YOU BECAUSE SHE IS SHY NOT BECAUSE SHE DOESNT LIKE YOU,you have to know which one it is,if she is confident she will most likely accept your offer no matter she like you or not because its not a big deal for her.
Part of being a [straight] man is knowing how to be able to indicate your interest to a woman. Yes, it sucks if you ask and it turns out that she is not interested, but it’s not the end of the world. As long as you don’t back her into a corner, she’s not going to say “Never in a million years, RR!”
If even a polite rejection stings, it’s usually because you’ve let yourself obsess about a single woman for too long, and she’s become too important a part of your emotional imagination, which is a bad thing when she’s not actually a part of your real life yet. So you need to indicate interest relatively soon after deciding you are interested (unless she is obviously not available, and then you usually have to wait).
You can also prepare the ground, by flirting with her, making eye contact slightly longer than normal, but not yet to “creepy” levels (i.e. 3 seconds, no more). See if you get smiles and reciprocatoin on her part.
The more often you have conversations with women, the easier it gets to spot the opportunity to say “hey, would you like to see this movie / go to this restaurant / see this concert / let me show you this part of a park / see this museum exhibit.” Often times you raise some subject, if she engages with the subject matter, then you ask her to go. Or you listen to what she likes to talk about, and then you find something that fits it and say “I heard about this and it made me think of you, would you like to go?”
The key is knowing that as long as you ask her out in a classy and/or respectful way, there’s nothing to be ashamed of. After all, you’re suggesting that she’s good company, and isn’t that a compliment we all like?
She doesn’t (hopefully) know what you’ve done to her in your imagination during a lazy hour, nor does she need to know. When you ask her out, you’re not saying, “how would you like to do what I’ve been doing to you in my fantasies.” And often, that’s what people worry about when they are feeling shy.
When you say you will never ask someone out unless you are 100% certain they like you. Even I start to think “that’s childish and unmanly.”
Many women don’t even know if they like you, or you aren’t even on their radar until you ask. It isn’t that they don’t like you; it’s just that they never stopped to think about you that way.
Be classy (but not overly-formal) and it’s no big issue to ask a woman you like out. If you are classy, even if they reject you, they usually make an effort to let you down easy, and if they’re ambivalent, they’ll generally think “why not give him a shot?”