I’ve just finished with CFA level 2 and have my CAIA level 2 exam on September, 10.
I think that half of success is good planning, however I can’t imagine where I should start and how to allocate time to feel well-prepared. Also I don’t know how much time I need for review. I will have 5 days (from Sat to Wed) to repeat before the exam - is it enough?
What is a good stategy to pass? Please share your opinion.
Wow - excellent knowledge of russian:))) Thank you!
I prepared for level 1 with Schweser, it was enough, however I felt that exam material is much more deep dive than basic concepts from Schweser.
I have already bought 2 officila books, but feel I can’t get the idea (or secret?) how to use it effectively. I mean, test is based only on “Core topics” and book 2 is just to have a broader prospective? Also what is good time priod for makeing a review? Uppermark has it seminar on Aug, 22-23 and Schweser somewhere at the end of August. Taking into accout that exam window opens on September, 8, I’m not quite sure that 1 week for revision is enough.
Best of luck to the both of you on your recent CFA exams. Regarding CAIA L2 - I personally used Schweser to cover the topic materials, as it explained them succintly, and Uppermark’s Qbank, as I felt it’s questions prepared you much better than Schwesers.
Regarding timing - I wouldn’t underestimate the time to get used to it. CFA L2 is great in that there is overlay in materials however, I would recommend getting through all the materials and questions and leaving 10 days to review the materials and do practice tests. I can send you my study planner for L2 if you’d like.
Study materials - official books, Schweser - doesn’t make much of a difference. For some people one pass through the books will be enough, for most of us - make sure you go back and review.
Practice - Uppermark software seems to be popular choice here. I went through the questions in two passes: first pass - all Qs, then reviewed the ones I got wrong, and answered them during second pass.
If you can get your hands on other materials (such as old Schweser exams, CAIA sample exam, etc) and have time - by all means go for it.
3 months should be enough time to prepare, assuming you have a study plan and follow-up on it.
UpperMark TestBank software has four main functions.
Practice Exams - Customized Create customized Practice Exams based on any component of the CAIA curriculum (Topic, Chapter, and/or Learning Objective). Customize using numerous options: specific number of questions, all questions, calculation questions, conceptual questions, questions you got wrong, new questions added to TestBank, and much more.
Practice Exams - CAIA-Weighted Create CAIA-weighted exams based on 50 or more questions. This feature helps you prepare for full-length Mock Exams by practicing with shorter CAIA-weighted exams.
Full-Length Mock Exams Generate Mock Exams with questions weighted according to CAIA guidelines. Even take the optional 30-minute break after the first session of the exam - like on the actual exam!
Test History Review your performance on past exams and the details of each exam. Use the _Analyze Performance_feature on your Mock Exams to identify your areas of strength and weakness.
Basically they have close to 1400 multiple choice and essay questions and you can group them and go through them in any way you want - by topic, mix of topics, as a simulated exam, etc. You can mark questiosn for later reviews, create custom exams based only on incorrect answers, etc.
It’s really great software, definitely a must for your exam prep.