how to select sponsors while making the membership application

Hi all, I currently have 36 months of work experience and I wanted to get it approved. from what I understood, I need to make a membership application for this. So I did that online. The application process finished and it never asked me to enter the names/contacts of the sponsors. when I click “view my sponsors”, it just shows a blank list. Is there somewhere I can add the sponsor names in the system? or shall I just send them the PDF forms. I live in Hong Kong and was wondering if the sponsor will have to send the forms to the US mailing address? I know i dont have sufficient experience to get the membership now but I just want to get my experence approved. Ideally this hassle about sponsor should not be needed now but I assume I will have to do it before CFAI reviews my experience? my application status is “sponsor review”. Please can anyone help me get out of this confusion thanks a lot!

you need to check with your local society to get a sponsor (assuming you don’t know any current charterholders that will sponsor you.)

thanks ! i got the links in the mail now the dillema is actually getting the sponsors fill the form for me one sponsor has to be the supervisor…I can but i would really want to avoid it if possible. the thing is that my supervisor thinks that i have been wasting my time by “not” focussing much on work and taking leaves to study for CFA instead. Here in HK its not that popular and the boss has not written the exams If I talk to him, he might sign it for me but the thing is that I am not sure how would he fill it i.e. how relevant does my experience look to him. my work experiece is DEFINITELY relevant actually. So the question is, can I avoid the supervisor? can I ask someone else in local CFA society to do it for me? has anybody done this before? can you share your experiences please I dont really know anyone at the local CFA society and I am not sure how to get 2 people (who dont know me personall) to sponsor me. I can contact them but just wanted to hear about any experiences for people who were in similar situation (especially outside US ). Thanks again!

Contact an admin who works at your local society - they will help introduce you to two sponsors. You don’t have to use your supervisor as a sponsor.

I’m in the same boat. Help! :slight_smile:,1046926