If you could do any job

What would it be? If money was no object and you could go home to whatever amenities you like. You have to be qualified for the job or are able to achieve qualifications for the job.

Teaching university mathematics.

Designing warheads would be a close second.

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I want to be Chris breezy

I don’t know if i would change my job. I guess the only thing that would be as interesting is either working in academics or in a private industry academic setting, such as running experiments for a multinational corporation to improve performance.

Job, hell. Do you have any idea how much yardwork I need to catch up on because of that pesky paycheck? I’m pretty sure the lower part of the property has been ignored since my house was built in '63.

Think I’d trade my own book week to week, long short ideas. Maybe become a YouTuber to feel famous for five minutes every other day. Maybe just scuba dive and explore the world, like a treasure hunter type job for new species or actual treasure :thinking:

Comic book artist and/or graphic designer and/or making movies.

Underground spec-ops agent with a sweet springfield 1911 and unlimited range-time/ammo, but somewhere with a sick view, like Switzerland.

a promoter would be nice. maybe photgrapher.

Ski instructor is the life for me gents.


Why Springfield?

I think I’d like to be an EMT for couple years.


I’d be a veterinarian or secret agent.

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420 shop owner / grower

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You can buy a starbuds franchise for $250k in Denver. Instead of analyst forum fantasy football, we should be doing analyst forum dispensary. haha.

I had to quit smoking pot yesterday though.

tiktoker. cuz im a savage