Was trying to figure out what the quesion is asking. Anyway the calculation of payment for IR swaps and interest rates cap (or IR floor or call option on IR, etc) are similar. Payment at end of period is based on beginning interest rates. Thus (B) is correct.
FRA works based on the same concept as well. Understand that an A X B FRA is to go long on rates ([B-A] x 30 days) that expires at A x 30 days. Future payment (if it happens on B X 30 days) is dependent on beginning interest rates at contract expiry (A X 30 days). However FRA contracts payments are settled upon contract expiry, thus the need to discount back this “future payment” to current day when it expires based on current rate. That is why we are looking at the current period rate for FRAs which is (A)
If you are still confused. Go take a look at examples on how they value IRS swaps (difference in value between a fixed paying to a floating paying) and interest rates cap. You will notice the way payment settlements are calculated are similar to interest rates cap because essentially interest rates caps (series of call option on rates) are similar in nature to payer swaptions (the upside only potential of an IR swap).