Interviewing with a client

AF’ers -

I have a final round interview coming up with a firm that is a client of my current firm. The opportunity sounds like a good fit given my interests and the folks I’ve dealt with from this client have been great. So, I’m cautiously optomisitc.

Has anyone ever interviewed and/or left for a client before? How did you handle things like confidentiality, etc? I’m hesitant to use hard and fast numbers (i.e. we manage $xxxMM in abc program which client participates) but ok with using relative ones (i.e. during my time we grew revenue by xxx% and increased assets by xxx%). Anything I should keep in mind that isn’t obvious? I’m curious to hear how other folks have handled this scenario. Thanks.

Relative terms is fine. The general gist of your achievements is acceptable, and if they’re savvy, they’ll ask you questions in an interview to figure out whether you’re lying. When people tell the truth, all their details sound like they’re on point so the actual names and parties involved are irrelevant. I’m sure they should understand your confidentiality obligations.

A lot of places keep confidential AUM or exact breakouts of funds, I wouldn’t worry about it too much

Seems like you can still give a good picture of your achievements using broad and probably public information. For instance, I don’t see anything wrong with “My firm manages $1 billion in this fund, and this grew by 30% during my time”.

In any case, good luck with your interview.