Is it good to work part-time while doing your MBA?

I initially thought it was a no-brainer, and was impressive and admirable to juggle part-time work and a full-time MBA, but I got to thinking about it and realized that some people might interpretate it as meaning your MBA was weak and not challenging enough if you had the time to be employed. Also, they might even misconstrue it to think you were doing some sort of executive MBA if they see that you were employed while doing the MBA

what are everyone’s thoughts on this? Should I remove my part-time, relevant work experience or leave it?

The title of your post is misleading, as it seems that you’ve already done your MBA. To be clear, your question is actually about how to present your work experience on your resume.

The question in the title pretty much just meant in general. Not only my pertaining to my situation.

You should not put your two feet in different baskets. If you decide to do a full time MBA, go with it and spend your free time networking.