Is MFE poor man's MBA?

Can you just enroll in your school’s MBA program and maybe get joint credit for some classes? You might be able to talk to the MBA dean and get dual credit for some courses after getting in if you really want the MBA.

Good luck, Danteshek! I just went to an interview at University of Chicago on Wednesday. Relax, be yourself and you will do well. Are you still thinking about moving to Russia?

maratikus Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Good luck, Danteshek! I just went to an interview > at University of Chicago on Wednesday. Relax, be > yourself and you will do well. Are you still > thinking about moving to Russia? Yup. I’ll be in Moscow from Sept 13 to 27. I’ll prob do first HEC interview in Moscow and do the second one at the HEC Campus in Jouy en Josas. It will be nice to spend a couple days in France and visit the campus. I will also interview with Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO. Those are my only two MBA applications this year. Last year, as you may know, I was rejected at Wharton/Lauder (Russian) and LBS. The only interview I got was with LBS. I thought more about it and decided HEC is a better fit for me, considering the fact that I’ve already lived in France for 6 years, speak French etc. HEC also has a dual degree program with Tsinghua SEM in China that I’m interested in doing.

HEC looks very interesting. I’ve never heard of Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO. Is it recognized? Have you considered business school at Lomonosov Moscow State University?

SKOLKOVO is a new school outside of Moscow, taking their first MBAs in Sept 2009. EMBA program is launching in January 2009. A quick google search will tell you all you need to know. They have about 500 million from businesses and oligarchs. The project is a priority project of the Russian government. Medvedev is chairman of advisory board and school is led by Ruben Vardanian, founder of Troika. They are trying to create the first global business school in Russia. The founders were unhappy with the current state of management education and decided to start from scratch.

very interesting project. good luck!

Russia is plagued by authoratative regime and lack of free speech. I would never take my MBA business there

comp_sci_kid Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Russia is plagued by authoratative regime and lack > of free speech. I would never take my MBA business > there Most people wouldn’t. Then again most people don’t want to lead businesses in Emerging Markets. Most people want comfy jobs in developed countries. How the heck is anyone going to learn about doing business in China or Russia at b-school in Chicago or Michigan?

comp_sci_kid Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Russia is plagued by authoratative regime and lack > of free speech. I would never take my MBA business > there Authoritarian regime, maybe. Lack of free speech, not really. I feel just as free to speak my mind in Russia than anywhere else. That is different from being deliberately provocative to the point where you are asking to be shut up. People who lack a basic respect for Russia’s place in the world and culture should probably not spend that much time in Russia.

bump this. New thoughts?

Re: Russia. My best econo-political call ever. Should have shorted RSX when i had a chance