L1 results

I just logged into the CAIA website and was able to see my March L1 exam results…Passed.

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Congrats!!! How did you find the exam overall?

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Passed do they mail you the breakdown?

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passed… breakdown still in progres… once ready, caia will send out the email.

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Passed, this is turning into a one way riot…

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Passed…phew! Congratulations guys!!!

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Congrats all!!! Did anyone not pass this exam??? Another round of high pass rates!!!

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I passed also… Maybe there are some failures who never report? I think have to wait for the overall pass rate to see. I think the exam is manageable if u study. Unlike CFA

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Passed~!!! Good job everybody…

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There are people here didnt post previously, so I would guess that those who didnt pass probably wont post at all…

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I passed also. I used Schweser for the level I but I will switch to UpperMark after research, interview with the Sales Rep. from UpperMark and my prior experience with Schweser in the FRM. (FRM and CAIA level II are comparable in terms of quantitative “conceptual” requirement and complexity in derivative and fixed income area). Schweser are decent for the question bank and mock exams but many quant concepts are not clarified or just simplified for FRM exam. I used Bionic Turtle and FRM Handbook 3rd edition in addition to Schweser to pass the FRM last year. I don’t want to bet on using Schweser especially CAIA level II has more deep and difficult concepts.

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Do you think Schweser book + qbank is not enough for FRM?

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Everything helps. I think it depends on your quantitative background and experience. When you compared the core readings to Schweser, you will find quite a gap between two. (I gave up on core readings because they were lengthy and hard to read) You can perform an acid test by borrowing a FRM handbook or try to read some core readings. If you are comfortable with the materials, in my opinion, Schweser might be sufficient. I managed to finish the 3rd Edition FRM handbook but I had difficulties with core readings and I don’t think Schweser drilled deep enough for that aspect. In my opinion, Bionic Turtle played a critical role in my passing the exam. Finally, I scored an average of ~74% for all mock exams from Schweser ( I admitted I was a total shock and surprise when I actually did the real exam–different question types and not enough time) and I have to give some credits to Schweser.

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Passed… Hopefully level 2 would be more interesting and challanging .

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woohoo !!!

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the breakdown is out…73% pass rate…

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Commodities and Managed Futures-Greater than 70% Credit Derivatives-Below or equal to 50% Hedge Funds-Greater than 70% Private Equity-Greater than 70% Professional Standards and Ethics-Greater than 70% Quantitative Methods-Greater than 70% Real Estate-Greater than 70%

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good job ditch. glad we both scored over 70% on quant. i was kinda ticked off the day of the exam when i saw they were testing stuff outside of the LOSs. i actually wrote comments at the end of the exam asking why they were doing that. haha

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