Lets invade Czech Republic


Sarah Palin called for the invasion of the Czech Republic today in response to the recent terrorist attacks in Boston.

In an interview with Fox News, the former governor of Alaska said that although federal investigators have yet to complete their work, the time for action is now.

^ Respect. America, Fck Yea!

This article is obviously fake. Not sure if you knew that.

The whole website is fake. A known satire site.

Check out Pope Benedict coming out news, for example

Who says we should not invade Czech Republic anyway? F*ck those guys!

Yep, just checking.

Excellent site, thanks for the tip!

Better idea = f*ck those girls.

Are you homophobic?

Sorry, Ohai. I apologise on Frisian’s behalf

Better yet, f*ck Sarah Palin! (Both literally and figuratively.)

I agree with Matt Damon. If John McCain was elected prez, and he goes down, then she has the nuclear codes. “I’m just a hockey mom from Alaska, with a .45, a .357, and 5,000 nuclear warheads.”