I was talking to a guy who was at the CFA offices in Charlottesville a few days ago. He is the head of a regional CFA society and was there for a meeting. He is not involved in marking in any way. Anyway, he told me that they were getting ready to begin correcting the level 3 papers this week. He said there are about 350 correctors in total and it takes them about 2 weeks to go through all the exams. In the first round of marking, the examiners are broken into small teams and each person only marks one part of one question. So there might be five/ten people just marking Q2 part 4 for instance. Once they have gotten through all the exams, the borderline cases are sent to a senior marking panel who review them and regrade if necessary. The process should be complete by mid-July. As I mentioned, this was told to me by a guy who I regard as a reliable source although I can’t say whether it’s true or not for sure.
Good info but it doesn’t matter to us as we would get the pass/fail in mid to late August. Enjoy until it last
I hope someone gets the joke I wrote on my paper and gives me a pass.
No way this is true. I sit next to a 2010 exam grader, and he’s out of office the last week in July.
Last week in July? Wouldn’t that make things very tight. Results are out in early August no?
3rd Tuesday in August
sparty419 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I hope someone gets the joke I wrote on my paper > and gives me a pass. What was the joke?
My post itself was a joke, but if you want, I can tell you one
This cannot be true as I have already received my results
Just got mine as well. They gave me a B+. 1morelevel, CFA B+
Too bad the cutoff for passing was A-
I got a F+
A close friend of mind is an L3 grader and I’m pretty sure he’s in Charlottesville right now, or about to be there, working with his grading team. Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > No way this is true. I sit next to a 2010 exam > grader, and he’s out of office the last week in > July.
I kind of hoped that they would have an IPS question for someone paying expenses for a child from a previous marriage. What could they do to reduce their risk? Abstinence. I think there was one of these on a practice exam.
^ hilarious!