Leveraging CFA exams to get CPA continuing education credits

I have a CPA license in the state of Washington, which has that dreaded CPE requirement of 120 credits/3 year. I think it would be a good idea for them to recognize the CFA levels as a way to get some of those CPE credits.

Does anyone know

  1. why this hasn’t happened already?
  2. what would it take for it to become a reality? Where would this story even start?

One thing you might do (in conjunction with lots of other things no doubt) is look around and see if any other states already do this, so that you would be asking the great state of Washington to follow the lead of those other states.

I’m not sure if the good people at the CFA Institute would be interested in helping you, nor do I know whom you would talk to there, but I presume that what you seek would be in their interests as well.

The recognition of CFA levels for CPE credits would require approval from the state board of accountancy. Initiating a petition or proposal to the board, backed by supporting evidence and professional endorsements, could be the first step.