Lower credit quality and higher OAS

Can someone enlighten me on why buying low credit quality means higher OAS.

Higher OAS is associated with putale bonds

Higher OAS is associated with bonds for which the investing public demands a higher yield: spread = yield.

But doesn’t putable have lower yield? OAS in effect removes the effect of optionality. Is it not the reason OAS is greater than z spread for putable bonds?

Unless you mean higher yield in context of after removing the effect of optionality.

Please correct my understanding.


Lower than an otherwise identical, option-free bond? Yes.

Exactly. Which means that if you have three fairly priced bonds, one option-free, one callable, one putable, but in all other respects identical, they will have the same OAS; in effect, the OAS turns them all into option-free bonds.

Exactly. And that’s what the OAS tells us.

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But what is the relationship between OAS and credit quality? Is it only higher yield?

OAS is a spread over the risk-free rate: additional yield for accepting additional risk. Lower quality bonds have higher spreads; higher quality bonds have lower spreads.

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Thank You.

My pleasure.