Major in Economics with CFA?

Hello Guys,

I am a CFA Level 2 candidate and aspiring to take up Masters in Economics. I am aiming to gain some opening as an entry level economist. I possess around 12 yrs of experience as an IT Business Analyst. I have done some research and found that BU (Boston University) and NYU offer good Masters courses (Part Time of course) in Economics. Some questions for you guys to help me out.

  1. Does anybody in this forum with economics major throw light on what are the prospects of an economist?

  2. I am sure there are plenty of options available in US universities on economics, is there a good reference as a starting point?



I have postgraduate academic credentials in Economics and work in the industry. The prospects for every individual are unique and depend on their background, personality and ambition, as well as industry contacts and perseverence in their career pursuit. However economics are relevant in many front office roles in asset management, especially those that also require interpreting the macro-environment. I couldn’t point you to optinos available in US universities but I am certain others in this forum can. Best of luck.

Two things you need to change.

  1. Go to a full-time program and not part-time, your’re looking to transition to a different industry therefore full-time is the way to go.

  2. Like you I would rather much do a master of finance, but realistically MBA still holds the most amount of employment opportunities for front role asset management and the like. So do MBA instead.

  3. Be aware that an MBA might not even help you, the industry is crap. Applicants are increasing tenfold and job opportunities keep going down. This will not change for a long time.
