March Level 1 Feedback

Without disclosing too much information about the March test, how are the Level 1 people doing? I am schedule to take it next Tuesday (the 19th).

Is it about what you expected?

For those that used Schweser, do you feel like it prepared you well?

Good luck to everyone.

take L1 o n 21st ,Beijing time, How ever my eaxm center in Guangzhou.

Now on final review~

Cuz job lost guy, work full days aganst eaxm.

It’s really costly! time, money energy……

It’s tough to non-monther lauguage cadidates

Less people take it in China ,I only meet one in my city It’s longly journey~

No one know it in here. If you ask 10,000 people, 10,000 people said know nothing about CAIA

Am i wrong with it? eh~~~ tough

How ever good luck ,sis and bro ,good luck to me !

Got my results today and I think it was reasonable.

Used Uppermark and was very happy with it.

So, L1 results are out? What is the pass rate?

68% pass rate on L1.

Used Uppermark and no surprises on the exam. Compared to CFA it was a cake walk - put in at most half the study time as for CFA L1 and passed with highest marks in all sections.

The material itself is interesting, but starting to question the usefulness of the designation itself - seems like anyone with half a brain can pass the exams.


What is the point of this reponse? If you are so much smarter than everyone else, you would know to keep those comments to yourself.


Were there alot of statistic problems? What seemed toughest section?

In my experience, there wasn’t one particular section that stood out as the most difficult. Overall, I felt the exam was relatively light on calculations. I used the Uppermark question bank a lot and thought the actual exam was equivalent or maybe slightly easier in terms of difficulty.

I agree with you MCass, its easy to make ridiculous remarks about CAIA level 1 when you have passed all 3 CFA exams.

Others dont have the same background, so rather keep retarded statements to yourself.

Remember that many, if not most of the candidates don’t have English as their first language.

Try sitting the exam in Chinese and see how you get on.

Spoken to a few CFA candidates who speak perfect English but they struggle to decipher the questions, double-negatives and so on.

You’re not a tard; you’re ignorant, which is worse.

Have a bit of respect.

mrdjb, CFA

fine fine.