I have been spending a significant amount of time intimately involved in markets, for the most part intraday. I have naturally been seeking to answer the classic questions. Are markets efficient? Are markets random? Are certain participants the enemy of true price discovery?
First of all, I find the philosophy of markets to parallel nicely with the philosophy of classical vs. quantum mechanics in physics. At some point (it is believed) deterministic behavior breaks down. I think most can agree, on a day to day time frame, markets are extremely efficient. Why else would they say “buy the rumor, sell on the news”? The market has a way of pricing fundamentals in even before they are pubic knowledge (aside from surprises, of course). My point is, we can agree markets are very efficient for true intrinsic value discovery on a larger time frame. What about intraday? Is that random? Is it efficient?
So, like in physics, do the markets disintegrate into randomness on the intraday level? I’m going to argue no. Markets are NEVER random, only noisy.
What is interesting is that on an intraday timeframe, many participants are not considering the fundamentals at all. I know, because I am learning to become one of them. If that is so, then how is it on a larger timeframe markets are so efficient at pricing in fundamentals?
I have a visual image that represents how I see markets working. There is a large tray filled with sand and iron filings. Under the tray is a magnetic representation of intrinsic value as determined by the fundamentals. The edge of the tray represents the fundamentals themselves. I see intraday trading as the shaking and shifting of that tray. As the sand and iron filings shift around, gradually the magnetic intrinsic value reveals itself as the iron sticks. Intraday trading may not consider fundamentals, but it does concern itself with the process of price discovery. That process is not random.
Under that thinking, there is no price discovery without the action associated with the intraday traders.
So, bottom line is this: Markets are NEVER random since there is always an underlying motive. Markets are efficient because of traders that don’t even consider fundaments, not in spite of them…
I welcome any argument.