MBA Cheating - Case Study

Did you ask her if she cheated? What was her response if you did? Do you believe her?

Because QuantJock is b@nging this girl every weekend! Or at least he’s very close to. OK, since we already know she cheated (otherwise she would go to the professor’s office and tell him in the eyes she didn’t do anything wrong), and QuantJock wants to b@ng her badly if he’s not doing so already, then he should convince this girl to go to the professor’s office and say she didn’t cheat with a straight face. QuantJock will get a special bonus that night.

I saw a couple students cheating on an exam once. I didn’t say anything, I didn’t really care. I’m not sure if it happens a lot, we all had to sign a form about academic dishonesty and the repercussions (you WILL be kicked out of school) and there is a statement in every syllabus for every class about it. So if you cheat and are caught, you are out of luck.

Here is what happened to someone I knew, who cheated - Offense - She gave her completed homework assignment to someone who submitted the exact same file “as is”. She was caught by the TA and the prof. sent her case to a committee - peers and a couple of faculty. She told the truth and was given an ‘F’ for the course and asked to repeat. On probation for the rest of her time at the college. Good luck with your friend.

people forget that those documents are ‘stamped’ by the creator. so even if you make changes to it, they can still see the original author

This is like real life. There are cheaters all over the place but they are called smart ppl if they weren’t caught.

QuantJock I have a few rats in my program - it’s quite pathetic. I consider being a rat a lower life form than being a cheater. It displays no honor or maturity. We have a curved GPA system at my school. While no one has been ratted out on cheating (I am sure it has occurred), people have been ratted out for lower offenses. I kid you not on these offenses: - A certain student told the Dean that too many people were browsing the internet during class to the detriment of the learning environment. -A certain student told the Dean that a classmates conduct was inappropriate (a joke maybe taken too far - but not to the point where anyone would find it offensive) - no individual was subject to the joke (except for the Professor). I am not suprised. Technically everyone in the program is guilty of cheating as they define it. I consider cheating sharing answers / obtaining answers illegal for exam purposes. I’ve checked my homework answers with knowledgeable classmates prior to submission despite instructions forbidding it. I’ve always done the independently and 99% of the time I stick with my original analysis. The problem I am facing is that my assigned team for my MBA group projects isn’t the most ideal. a.k.a. no one has once questioned my judgement. So there is a big imbalance in terms of knowledge and experience. I share information with a few trusted peers (2 guys), since we are all in the same situation. It’s just a sanity check. Think of it this way - if I chose the wrong choice, I could basically blow up my grade along with 3 other people (who trust me and don’t have the capacity to challenge me). I don’t consider it cheating (as neither do you QuantJock). Take home-exams…I never collaborate - just HWs as mentioned above. Be careful - too many lowlifes get off on stepping on other people just to make themselves look better.

swisira Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Here is what happened to someone I knew, who > cheated - > > Offense - She gave her completed homework > assignment to someone who submitted the exact same > file “as is”. > > She was caught by the TA and the prof. sent her > case to a committee - peers and a couple of > faculty. She told the truth and was given an ‘F’ > for the course and asked to repeat. On probation > for the rest of her time at the college. > > Good luck with your friend. Update. I pressed this individual to hear more about the accusation. She told me that yes, she did cheat. When questioned after the complaint, she was honest and confessed her mistake. So she is not a real cheater in my opinion, real cheaters will lie in the face of authority and be cool as a cucumber while doing so (aka Tom Petters). The truth got her suspended for a year. She is seeking other programs in the area now. It is a shame, despite the cheating, she was a very friendly, pleasant person. @ VA. I have no regret about consulting with others on hw. Most of the time we discussed our conclusions to questions asked, and 99% of the time none of us changed answers. Most of my learning came from said discussion. I do not condone cheating, but I would never rat someone out. In a professional setting, I have no hesitation to be a whistle blower if say accounting is baking the books. But I would keep to myself is someone in accounting is having an affair.

QuantJock_MBA Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > swisira Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Here is what happened to someone I knew, who > > cheated - > > > > Offense - She gave her completed homework > > assignment to someone who submitted the exact > same > > file “as is”. > > > > She was caught by the TA and the prof. sent her > > case to a committee - peers and a couple of > > faculty. She told the truth and was given an > ‘F’ > > for the course and asked to repeat. On > probation > > for the rest of her time at the college. > > > > Good luck with your friend. > > Update. > > I pressed this individual to hear more about the > accusation. She told me that yes, she did cheat. > When questioned after the complaint, she was > honest and confessed her mistake. So she is not a > real cheater in my opinion, real cheaters will lie > in the face of authority and be cool as a cucumber > while doing so (aka Tom Petters). > > The truth got her suspended for a year. She is > seeking other programs in the area now. It is a > shame, despite the cheating, she was a very > friendly, pleasant person. > > @ VA. I have no regret about consulting with > others on hw. Most of the time we discussed our > conclusions to questions asked, and 99% of the > time none of us changed answers. Most of my > learning came from said discussion. > > I do not condone cheating, but I would never rat > someone out. In a professional setting, I have no > hesitation to be a whistle blower if say > accounting is baking the books. But I would keep > to myself is someone in accounting is having an > affair. Ahh, the truth comes out. In all honesty, once a cheater, always a cheater. The problem with these people is that when they get into the real world, they fail because they don’t know what work ethic is. Cheating will eventually catch up to them, if not academically, then professionally.

I don’t necessarily agree. Finals week was very stressful and most of us did not get much sleep. A lapse of judgment may have occurred which she now regrets. This was not a premeditated plan all along based on what she said. All of us are in this boat. How many of us have had a lapse of judgment and made a mistake?

sorry, but I for one do not agree. There is NEVER an excuse for cheating, ever. She is lucky to get off so easily.

QuantJock_MBA Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I don’t necessarily agree. Finals week was very > stressful and most of us did not get much sleep. > A lapse of judgment may have occurred which she > now regrets. This was not a premeditated plan all > along based on what she said. > > All of us are in this boat. How many of us have > had a lapse of judgment and made a mistake? That’s true, everyone makes mistakes. I guess from my personal experience, most people that cheat in school don’t only do it once or twice; they do it all the time.

DoubleDip Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > sorry, but I for one do not agree. There is NEVER > an excuse for cheating, ever. She is lucky to get > off so easily. Yeah but we’re talking about QuantJock’s girlfriend in this case, so he cannot judge her.

> I pressed this individual to hear more about the > accusation. She told me that yes, she did cheat. > When questioned after the complaint, she was > honest and confessed her mistake. So she is not a > real cheater in my opinion, real cheaters will lie > in the face of authority and be cool as a cucumber > while doing so (aka Tom Petters). That’s odd, I consider real cheaters ones who will cheat then confess if caught (aka Bernie Madoff). Maybe she needs one of these:

Glad to see you asked the questions I tried to outline above. Sorry to say punishment fits the crime here and there isn’t really a way to justify it, even if you do find the person affable. If she were smarter she would have come up with a better cheating method, since she couldn’t she probably doesn’t belong.

adavydov7 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Glad to see you asked the questions I tried to > outline above. Sorry to say punishment fits the > crime here and there isn’t really a way to justify > it, even if you do find the person affable. If she > were smarter she would have come up with a better > cheating method, since she couldn’t she probably > doesn’t belong. Punishment fits the crime for sure. I have no sympathy for the result, but I do feel bad for her overall.

NakedPuts Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > I pressed this individual to hear more about > the > > accusation. She told me that yes, she did > cheat. > > When questioned after the complaint, she was > > honest and confessed her mistake. So she is not > a > > real cheater in my opinion, real cheaters will > lie > > in the face of authority and be cool as a > cucumber > > while doing so (aka Tom Petters). > > That’s odd, I consider real cheaters ones who will > cheat then confess if caught (aka Bernie Madoff). > Maybe she needs one of these: > > > ated-on-lit.php I thought Bernie was investigated several times and was cool and collected like Tom. He only ‘confessed’ when the heat was closing in on his family. To each their own I guess. I admire her confession since it would have been so easy to lie and face similar consequences if caught. She is suspended for a year, and I would imagine it will be difficult to join up with next years class second semester.

I’ve never snitched in my life, but I can see it as a necessary evil. Cheating on a small scale may seem harmless enough, but it’ll really mess up the system on the long run. Imagine if 3/4 of a class cheated and you didn’t; recruiters would see you as the class idiot despite you working your ass off the entire time. Then someday, they get caught (or found incompetent) and it ruins the integrity of the program as a whole.

I’d say the year suspension fits the crime. in the CFAI world, if you got a 1 yr suspension, you would be lucky. i’ve seen some cheaters get kicked out of the program.

>“I’m curious if snitching is justified in most circumstances.” If people are cheating, then yes, they should be reported. If you see someone committing a crime, you call 911.< So you call 911 every time someone speeds by you on the road…