I have completed my ACCA and I am not looking to do Top Up MBA from England upon completion of MBA I would have atleast 1 to 1.5 years of experience in Banking after which I will move to CFA.
Would the MBA be helpful in my career in finance?
Is 1.5 years experience enough to land a good job in UK more specifically London?
Should I get more work experience before moving to CFA?
Not an expert on the finance scene in London, but my suggestion would be to do maybe levels 1 and 2 of CFA first before you get your MBA. The main reason is practical: if you pass levels 1 and 2, admissions committees may like that and you could get into a better school. Also, if you can do both of those levels or even just level 1, I guarantee you that your first year core MBA will go by with better grades regardless of what school you go to. That will leave you more time to network which is one of the bigger plusses of going to b-school.
The only way I’d do the MBA first is if you have an age issue, say you’re in your 30’s. In that case you had better get to b-school asap because the older you get, the harder it is to get in.
Again, I don’t know how old you are but MBA programs usually like people with at least 2 and preferrably 5 years of professional experience. You may have more non-finance experience of course, hard for me to judge. So if 1.5 years is all you got, you’re hardly an ideal candidate for b-school (and yes, work experience definitely helps in an MBA program).
it is a bit difficult to provide serious answers when your post lacks pretty important details. What universities are you considering in England (I assume LSE doesn’t offer Top UP)? “Banking experience” can mean a lot of different things. What exactly do you mean by “banking experience”?