Milo Yiannopoulos

Milo winning, now even Huffpo defending him and finally getting the point:


I am not on the same side politically as Milo. I am a liberal because I believe in liberty. First and foremost, my most cherished liberty is freedom of speech. The entire idea of freedom of speech is predicated on the notion that one must protect not only speech which they agree with, but also speech they disagree with. That also extends to speech which *gasp* offends you.

The violent rioters at UC Berkeley are representative of a phenomenon I and other actual liberals call the “regressive left.” The regressive left doesn’t truly stand for liberty. Instead, they stand for the idea that anyone that says anything which offends them or doesn’t fit their narrative can and should be silenced.

This regressive mindset is not only wrong, it is incredibly dangerous. A healthy public debate of ideas never silences anyone who wishes to engage in an open and honest dialogue about important issues. Unlike many of his critics and the bulk of these rioters, I have actually listened to Milo speak.

When Milo is faced with a tantrum from a protester who disrupts his events, he mercilessly mocks them to no end. However, and this is crucial to my view of Yiannopoulos, when faced with a respectful challenge to his ideas, he’s extremely polite and gives very well thought out answers to genuine questions from liberals.

This is what public discourse between people who disagree is supposed to look like. It’s not supposed to look like the absolute temper tantrum that many regressive leftists throw at his events."

^ And it’s only been a couple weeks, the “regressive left” as the writer calls them are going to take a lot of damage over the next 8yrs.

Nice to see that term becoming more popular. I’ve been using it for years.


I just sent him a note. Interested to hear his feedback.

The war is back on. The mother of all escalations. This is going to be a train wreck, can’t wait…

He is a homo and thus can’t be trusted

^ care to elaborate on why those 2 points are connected?

They aren’t. Brosef has issues.

Just general life observation,

but if you are looking for a polemic reason then it is because they are soldiers of the devil working to destroy families and modern society.

You’re a bit off. Jesus loved everyone, including, sinners, _ including Judas, _ whom he knew would betray him. “First remove the beam from your own eye, and then you will see clearly enough to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” (Matthew 7:5) Everyone has their vices. No one is perfect. ‘He who is without sin, cast the first stone.’ (John 8:7) Anyone who commits sin is a slave to sin. (John 8:34). Finally, Milo is pro-life, Catholic, and loves dick. We aren’t all perfect, are we? ‘Do not judge, or you too shall be judged’ (Matthew 7:1)

But modern society destroys families , so you have a conflict there.

Milo preaches traditional family values, and ignoring “progressivism” bad advice from modern society, which resolves that conflict. He also does not recommend homosexuality, even though he is a homo.

HA! OMG a trailer…


Modern society does not destroy families. That statement is flawed.

Willful ignorance much? Been to America lately? The topic is American modern society of course. That society actively destroys families to maximize profit. Weakest family unit on the planets.

What kind of observations? 1 bad experience? How about all the people you’ve encountered that were gay but you assumed were straight? Are you sure you’re not just a bigot?

Another supervillain trailer, this one not as dramatic but okay…


MIlo is just 2 edgy 4 us! Lump him in with Ann Coulter i honestly dont know why people bother they are shock jocks. Stop paying attention to them, they will kick and scream some more like a child with a temper tantrum, then their star will fade. Its not like either of them provide anything particularly important.

^ Oh Milo is providing MEGA important stuff, the location of the liberal Achilles heel, that’s why they are trying to silence him. :bulb:

no more alex jones videos…sigh