Mistake of 3 Seconds

David Lloyd,

Is “your friend” Asian?

Ummm…yeah. That’s the point. If it were easy, everyone would do it, and the CFA Charter would mean nothing, and we wouldn’t get the prestige or pay of being a Charterholder.

You know that this is an exam, right? Have you ever had an exam that had zero pressure? Did your “friend” not read the “minimum of 250 hours of study time” thing that CFAI says to every candidate who registers? Does “minimum of 250 hours” not tell you that maybe this is a high-pressure situation?

How is this even possible? In order to register, you have to have a passport. CFAI reminds you several times to check your passport’s expiration date, and bring your passport. In absolutely no uncertain terms, they make it clear that you have to have a passport. Did your “friend” also bring a programmable TI-82 to the exam with him? Did he mark the bubbles in a purple pen?

I feel absolutely zero sympathy for “him.” The proctors said, “Stop. Put your pencils down.” He disregarded their instructions and deserves whatever punishment he gets.

But to answer your question, just stay out of it. It’s not your problem. If your “friend” is stupid enough to forget his passport then blatantly violate the rules, then he’s a dumbass. Failure to follow simple instructions gets you nowhere in life.

This thread just turned brutal.

yeah…so much hate

We are all just a little sour from studying and a little self righteous in doling out judgement on our peers. That being said, I think the offender owes us all an apology…

I don’t see hate at all. The rules are written clearly for everyone and you are even reminded of them multiple times.

It doesn’t matter if you took an extra 3 seconds or 3 minutes, you violate the rules and you may get the punishment that follows.

It sucks for your friend, but rules are rules, and it is well known that CFAI is a big stickler on this issue.

Every test cycle, there’s someone who says “It was only a second or two, is that so bad?” Every year, the same answer comes back: “These are the rules, and you broke them.”

The only solution is to make darned sure that you don’t need to be doing anything when they call time. Fill in your ovals at least 5 minutes before the end, and put down your pencil when they call time.

How would you feel if it became known that, “Well, they call time, but actually you can keep writing for a little while afterwwards until they can wrestle your test sheet away from you.” What if your test was wrestled away first, and yet some guy behind you got an extra 5 minutes because the room is full.

The policy has to be strictly enforced, or everyone is going to claim that others got to have more test time and this is why they failed…

Agree with iteracom. God said “Simply let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.” In other words, when you spot an idiot, you should call him idiot…

^ Do not invest too much in God, he is to belief as money is to a ponzi scheme. When you try to realise your claim, you will find nothing there but a crumbled deck of cards.

Alladin, you seem to have a significant amount of vitriol for anything having religious, or God-related, even when it is obvious hyperbole. Did you overdose on Christopher Hitchens or something?

^haha hyperbole on my part too…never read hitchens books read some articles though.

I’m having trouble interpreting this. So, anything with a gray area is Satan? I thought only Sith deal in absolutes.


Your “friend” (who we all know is you) failed to follow simple explicit instructions that roughly 150,000 candidates a year seem to have no issue with.

He also struggles with coloring in circles.

Then he sat outside an exam center and cried like a b*tch for three hours because he broke the rules on a test and got caught.

Lastly, your “friend” comes on here with paragraphs worth of flimsy excuses and not one sentance in which he takes accountability for poor judgement.

Sounds like your friend needs to grow up.

No, Yoda used absolutes (do or do not, there is no try).

How would we know? The CFAi will give you the verdict on that one. You may be able to sit the exam next year, but it’s likely that you’ll be writing with the other hand as CFAi may decide to chop off your writing hand as a punishment. I know, it sounds harsh, but it’s pretty standard in this industry. It can be a bit of a vicious circle, though as the ovals then become increasingly more difficult.

Your only hope would be tracking down an elusive figure known as QQQBEEE. He may have the answer you seek. I’ve already said too much…

Good to see that Black Swan is back. I was hoping she would comment on this.

I’m a dude, man!

Sorry. When I hear the term “Black Swan”, I think of Mila Kunis and Natalie Portman getting it on. Female just comes to mind.

Sure beats thinking about a Middle Eastern professor who writes books.

Seriously, does my picture look that feminine? I thought frank was messing with me, but now I might need to update my icon.

Honestly, I am unsure of your gender just by looking at your profile picture.