Modified duration of bond

  1. What does Macaulay duration of say 3.7235 years mean for 4 year 5% annual pay bond trading at par?

  2. Modified duration - for a 20 year 4% annual pay bond trading at par. for a 25 basis point change in yield, the change comes to 13.6. This implied that for a 1% change in yield, the bond value changes by 13.6%.

Current price (Vo) = 1000, Price at 4.25% (V+) = 966.76, Price at 3.75% (V-) = 1034.74

After applying the formula, the value comes to 13.6. So, for 1% change in YTM, price of bond changes by 13.6%. However, price at 5.25% is 847, and price at 4.25% is 966.76, which shows a change of 15%. How can this be not 13.6?

It says that the present-value-weighted-average time to receipt of cash flows is 3.7235 years.

And, given the relationship between Macaulay duration and modified duration, it says that for a small change in the YTM, the percentage price change will be approximately -3.5462 (= 3.7235 / 1.05) times the percentage yield change.

A modified duration of 13.6 (years) means that for a 1% change in yield, the price change will be approximately -13.6%. It’s approximate because you’re using a straight line to try to compute the price change along the price-yield curve. So,

  • The actual price change will differ from the duration approximation, and the greater the yield change, the greater the difference is likely to be, and
  • The calculated duration will be different for different starting YTMs (or, equivalently, different starting prices. The percentage price change when the YTM changes from 3.75% to 4.25% will not be the same as (half of) the percentage price change when the YTM changes from 4.25% to 5.25%.