Musk heckling European politics

Kinda funny that when Twitter gave Trump the boot, there were very few who criticized the decision (Financial Times had one piece that did). Back then it was OK for a privately owned company to be able to remove one of US president’s main communication channels. “Trump violated Twitter’s rules and therefore Twitter had the right to shut down his account. Private companies have the right to choose their users” - this was the main argument.

Now when Musk is being Musk and is getting involved in the German and UK politics on Twitter, these same talking heads are criticizing Twitter’s role/size in the information space.

I don’t particularly like Musk or Trump but this blatant double standard by the liberal left is just astonishing.


You are correct.

I remember Biden appointing Nina Jankowicz as Disinformation Czar.
She was best known for that delightful video of her singing a Mary Poppins song
the head of President Biden’s Department of Homeland Security Disinformation Governance Board, Nina Jankowicz
She seems to be singing with a British accent (it sounds that way to me anyway). There’s no mention on Wikipedia of where she was born/grew up

Added: I’ve just seen a headline about Facebook ending `fact-checking’ in free speech push.

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Yes, progressives are not exactly famous for ideological consistency. When they want to use state power to hurt others, they will. Then they will preach freedom and privacy when it suits their cause.


no longer will the liberals persecute us. the rise of the conservatives.

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There is “heckling” and there is falsehoods.

Mr Musk peddling the theory that Hitler was a communist has to be the cherry on top of the misinformation spree he seem to be going on. After the Jews it would probably be the communists who were targeted by Hitler

Him trying to pin the “grooming gangs” on the Labour party when the right-wing conservative Tories sat on the report for ten years and all statistics say White British are over-represented in sexual crimes relative to their population says it all really

Just another grifter playing into the fears of lowest denominator of people except he happens to be wield immense power. For all those watching from the outside, it is more clear than ever, the time has come to shield ourselves from the American implosion

As you say, `there is falsehoods’.
To clarify what was actually said in the conversation on X between Elon Musk and Alice Weidel of the AfD party:

“[Hitler] was a communist, and he considered himself as a socialist,”
Weidel said in response to Musk asking about media reports linking the AfD to Nazism.
“The biggest success after that terrible era in our history was to label Adolf Hitler as right[-wing]
and conservative, he was exactly the opposite,” Weidel said. “He wasn’t a conservative,
he wasn’t a libertarian, he was a communist, socialist guy, and we are the opposite.”
“Right,” Musk responded.

That looks like Weidel rather than Musk `peddling the theory that Hitler was a communist.’

I would have phrased it differently.
Nazis and communists are both totalitarians.
Many on the right are libertarian which is the opposite of totalitarian.
If the media are linking the AfD to Nazism, that would be a falsehood.

Fascism was a splinter movement of socialism. Before World War I, Benito Mussolini was a leading light in the Italian socialist movement. The Great War caused a schism in the Italian socialist movement between the anti-interventionists, and those like Mussolini who came to support the war.
Fascism emerged from that schism and is a combination of socialism, nationalism, and corporatism.

The Nazi party was the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. `Socialist’ is in the name. That should be a clue.
One of the tenets of fascism is that while individuals may own property and small businesses, essential
services are owned by the state.

Different forms of socialism can and do violently interact.
Leon Trotsky was killed by NKVD agents in 1940 (Operation Utka), because his version of socialism (proletarian internationalism) differed from that of Stalin (socialism in one country). Using your logic, Trotsky and Stalin cannot both be socialists, therefore one is right wing.
Following Stalin’s death, Khrushchev] denounced Stalinism, so again Khrushchev and Stalin cannot both be socialists, therefore one is right wing.

And China and the USSR came close to nuclear war in 1969 following the Sino-Soviet split caused initially by Khrushchev’s denunciation of Stalin.
Nixon intervention saved China from Soviet nuclear attack
Using your logic, Mao’s China and the USSR cannot both be socialists, therefore one is right wing.

A lot of people today refer to the current Chinese government as `Chi-Nazis’ (an echo of the Vietnam-era Chi-Comms) because, like Hitler, the Chinese have combined socialism, nationalism, and corporatism.

Edit: added

I think the point would be that the current UK Prime Minister Starmer was Director of Public Prosecutions from 2008 to 2013.
The Prime Ministers during that period were Blair (Labour, May 1997 to June 2007), who appointed Starmer as DPP, Brown (Labour, June 2007 to May 2010), and Cameron (Conservative, May 2010 to Jul 2016)

as for

and all statistics say White British are over-represented in sexual crimes relative to their population

Could you please link those statistics, because the ones I’ve seen say nothing of the sort.

data set
This says that for England and Wales, between April 11 and March 18, 73.6% of arrests for sex offenses were white (versus 81.7% of the population white in 2021), 9.3% of arrests were asian (versus 9.3% of the population (the same) in 2021), and 9.1% of arrests were black (versus 4.0% of the population in 2021).
i.e. whites underrepresented.

My point was that the massive influence of these media giants in the information space isn’t considered problematic when their actions align with the mainstream media’s preferences (e.g., banning Trump). However, it becomes an issue when their actions go against what the mainstream media supports.

I find it quite concerning that these profit-driven, massive media organizations wielding disproportionate power can be used to meddle in other countries’ politics or ban the world’s most powerful individual simply for behaving inappropriately.

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Human beings are hypocrites in general.

Mr Musk - A so called “free speech absolutist” banned a harmless account tracking his flights on his first day owning Twatter. He banned pro Kamala accounts like “White dudes for Kamala” under flimsy reasoning. The left controlled the media and now the right wants to do the same and if you think they won’t behave in the exact same way then I’ve got a bridge to sell you

The media is problematic, the way it is unregulated is a huge issue. However, the first word of regulation and you will have neo-conservatives screaming from the roofs. De-regulation and you’re left with this mess. The so-called fifth column and pillar of democracy eh?

“Right,” Musk responded.

My friend, you and me both know the power of a cleverly worded yes or no, I hope you know the art of saying less whilst transmitting more information. Mr Musk - a man who probably vociferously reads knew exactly what he was doing. You can claim plausible deniability if you want but even if you are so smart it doesn’t mean the rest of us are fools :slight_smile:

Nazis and communists are both totalitarians.
The Nazi party was the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. `Socialist’ is in the name

I’m not interested in getting into a theoretical debate about socialism and communism. What I said is absolutely not the same logic you are attempting to infer.

Calling Hitler communist when he violently destroyed the communist ideology in Germany rather than promoting a different branch of communism has to be the most clumsy attempt at historical revisionism I’ve seen, second only to the Holocaust denial that seems to be a favorite amongst the White nativists.

Socialism seems to be this great evil amongst Americans. I would encourage them to take a stroll through Australia, Switzerland, Denmark etc. All these places have far less divisions that USA, better safety nets, better quality of life for the average citizen - All built by the democratic socialists

A lot of people today refer to the current Chinese government as `Chi-Nazis’

Not a lot of those people have a lot of quality do they. This sounds like something straight out of 4chan

The conservative party have ruled the UK for 10+ years. If it were such a priority for them, why did they do nothing despite sitting on multiple enquiries? Kemi Badenoch backtracking from requesting a full national enquiry to “small targeted ones” make it clear what the charlatan is trying to do, drum up a race and cultural war. These people in their quest for power have no idea how close they are to lighting the fuse

Of course, in their misguided attempts to suspend reality itself we know the way to flip this is insinuate there is a massive cover up and the numbers are not being reported.

However, these people are also crude in their manner and delivery, with Laura Looner, Steve Bannon, Nick Fuentes and others getting mainstream traction they revealed their cards too early.

Time will reveal everything. Good-luck and good bye!

Wrong again.
It came out of the 2019-20 Hong Kong protests.

I’m not sure where this misunderstanding came from, as nothing in my earlier comments should have suggested this was my point.

My argument is about:

  1. The immense power wielded by massive social media companies.
  2. How the left seems to view this power as problematic only when it conflicts with their ideology.

I don’t align with either the right or the left. I believe the power these social media companies hold is very concerning. Musk’s antics are just the tip of the iceberg. However, I at least have the intellectual honesty to criticize this issue consistently, regardless of whether it aligns with my personal views.

I agree with what you say.

How the left seems to view this power as problematic only when it conflicts with their ideology.

I am simply saying this is not unique to the left. It is a human trait and the right have been just as guilty of it historically.

Absolutely agree that we have lost control of the technology to a few people who do not have humanities best interests as their priority. Leaked documents from Facebooks training materials can be found here :

Ok to post : Immigrants are grubby, filthy pieces of ■■■■
Not ok to post : Christian men are totally useless

Absolute farce