I happened to fall upon this while ordering a Charlie Munger book, http://www.amazon.com/gp/cdp/member-reviews/A3V94HTDKTOY1O?ie=UTF8&display=public&sort_by=MostRecentReview&page=1
Ha, after reading Fooled by Randomness recently and the Black Swan a while back it was great to read his comments.
needhelp Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > and? If you’ve read his books you will laugh at his comments because they are so ‘Taleb’
“My major hobby is teasing people who take themselves and the quality of their knowledge too seriously and those who don’t have the guts to sometimes say: 'I don’t know…” —Nassim Taleb
Aliman, I haven’t actually read any Munger books. which ones did you get and how are they? lot more insight than the buffet letters and associate readings?
Anybody read Antifragile? Any good? Taleb was on cnbc today.
Yes, it’s very good but not as a standalone read if this is your first exposure to Taleb’s writing. Taleb stressed that the concepts in all three books (FBR, Black Swan, Antifragile) are all part of a larger mosaic of thought, to be summed up as “interesting nooks and crannies, philosophical rabbit holes and other polymathic intellectual coffee shop pursuits while attempting to catalogue and make sense of what’s wrong with how mankind makes decisions under uncertainty.”
I, for one, am a fan. I am not someone who is star struck by anyone, but I will say that initially reading his work marked a key turning point for me in how I view the world. I also recommend reading his in-progress online book, free of charge. Google “Silent Risk Taleb.”
Sounds interesting… Consider them all added to my reading list
Nassim criticizes the Gaussian curve, the fundament of L1 curriculum.