Need help. Looking to buy a private jet!

I hit the jackpot with my bitcoin investment and going to cash out. My initial thread is somewhere, might be in the Careers or Investment forum, perhaps the General Forum, most likely not in Hookup or CAIA, possibly in the WC (not enough forums here). It’s definitely not in the Feedback forum, I never posted any of my great feedback in there. Now that I think about it, it must be in the L1 forum. I remember now how I wanted to show how superior I was to L1 candidates and also wanted to give them a break from studying Economics as we all know acing that section is a guaranteed road to a six figure cushy job.

As I’m an anonymous BSD AF poster with an unlimited budget, I can only settle for a top 2 private jet. I don’t want any hacksaw jet, I want it to have a full service kitchen, a hot shower and a captivating theater system.

Any adviSe would be welcomed. Looking to take delivery of my jet before next summer. I’m looking forward to take the following trips with my new toy:

  1. Washington, DC: I’m reading about the thousands of sealed indictments yet the fake news isn’t covering anything. I want to hit the ground running. I got Woke fever. #maga#neverpostthatfarmertanpicagain

  2. Dallas, Texas: I often see Jason Witten catching 2 yard touchdowns in garbage time with the game out of reach 3 quarters ago. Something must be wrong with my 4k Ultra HD TV because the greatest of greatest TEs only catches Super Bowl game winning touchdowns.

  3. Nerdyblop’s neck of the woods: I’ve never seen a 5’4" Filipino get action even when he paid for it. I have to see in person the future face of the PUA community. I’m afraid to find out he’s a schizophrenic living in him mom’s basement.

  4. Heaven to speak to God himself: Not a permanent stay in heaven as I’m not done following Roger Federer on the ATP tour and heckling him for not having any pride left for not retiring. The reason for my flight to heaven is to ask God to remove the silly salsa shoes Bchad has been wearing and to stop the Despacito song he’s been dancing to non stop for the past year. I want to ask God to give Bchad a keyboard for Christmas. I haven’t seen that long winded post that no one read entirely but everyone came to expect and respect in a long time. Damnit those posts were part of the AF landscape just as much as the Schweser logo is on top of the page. Cause coming back here and not finding a Bchad novel is like going to a CFA test center and not seeing someone with 3 calculators and 25 pencils. Just feels like something is missing.

Oh! Roy Moore begged me to also ask God while I’m up there to reverse his election result because apparently God should care deeply about the Senate race in Alabama.

Started out strong and was preparing a slow clap GIF, but fizzled at the end. I bet you’re used to that critique. Heyo!!

welcome back.

Probably the A380

Airbus A380 Superjumbo Jet – $500 million


The most expensive airplane ever made is a private jet belonging to Prince Alwaleed bin Talal of Saudi Arabia. At a whopping $500 million this aircraft has everything from a garage for two cars, a room for hawks, a garage for the prince’s luxury automobiles, and a stable. Additionally, the plane has multiple bedrooms, bathrooms with showers, and a “wellness area”.

So what kind of money do you have to have to purchase this kind of luxury personal jet? For starters, Prince Alwaleed bin Talal is the CEO and founder of Kingdom Holding Company, which is a Saudi business involved in real estate, hotels, media, internet, and financial services. Somewhat unsurprisingly given his great financial endeavors and royal status, Alwaleed bin Talal is worth an estimated $20 billion himself, and is ranked as the 26th most wealthy person in the world, according to Forbes.

Alwaleed is in jail* - presumably, this airplane is now property of the Saudi Arabian government!

*I also read “jail” meant that these guys were being held at the Ritz Carlton. They are probably treated better there than I am outside prison. Even prison is not the same if you’re that rich.

Oh man bin talal fell hard. Currently being tortured while awaiting trial for his crimes against humanity. It ain’t how you start it’s how you finish.

Ca$h Out - Cashin’ Out




You should follow Nerdy on snap. He is very different than my expectations given the way he types hahaha. I was expecting some FOB

After he dumps or has accidents with a string of women, he will escape to the Philippines and start a new life. It’s all the plan and is quite brilliant actually.

^lol i told my barber this in jest. and he told me i cant really do it, they will find a way to get the money. is this true?

rar- actually i know this harvard dude from jpm thats a def fob. we have similar typing syntax. its the way gamers type. also dude i had to keep everything less low key on the snaps cuz of the gf. im going to vegas again for new years with her . it’ss like the pitbull quote:

So get your friends And I get my friends And we can be friends Do this every weekend

ft- im 5’8". i try to avoid taller chicks as it is very awkward for me to grind tippy toeing. which i have done before. anyways the avg height of chicks is like 5’4 so its not exactly too restrictive. i do usually pull the hottest chicks in the clubs. g-eazy i think stole my girl. i was grinding on this 10 blonde from dtla or riverside cant remmeber. macking the shit out of her, squeezing everythang. like one guy actually tried to stop it, lol guess he didnt like the browntown making it nasty or they knew each other and i was swooping couldnt tell. dude wtf is it that everytime in drais some dude is always surprised that im grinding on a hotty and tries to stop it, i think last time i complained about a black dude that cock blocked the shit out of me cuz i didnt want to buy the chick a drank. come on bruhhh, i barely know the chick… anywho. some black guy was talking to the otehr 10 blonde friend and the dude invited them to see g-easy on stage. i thought i was coming, lol but the dude was like girls only. saddddd. anyways my night was still tight, i met a hot ass promoter that was a half white flip. name was princess, i shit u not. she showed me her id. says she can get us to guest list so perhaps free clubs in future? i told her about my retire early in philippine plan and she was with it, but she didnt like that i didnt have bottles, and i was like cuz das shit expansiveeee gurl.

i know that sometimes everything sounds like a parody, but AYYYY at least im funny amirite6?

g eazy straight up savage though, while halsey was trying to sing, dude straight up tried to make out with her. savage af. i admire the dude so much. no homo

This is the weakest come back thread in the history of AF. We are losing it

are you not entertatined

What a ridiculous thing to even consdier.

That is just so trashy looking

I love how I could read Comp_Sci and Nerdy’s posts in their own voices. We raidin’ tonight or what gangstars?

Roger Federer won two grand slams this year.

down. time? im so sick though, just took some promethazine for sore throat. feeling loopy af.

Throat get a workout last weekend?

^lulz, aight i set my self up. respect

Percocets, molly, PercocetsRep the set, gotta rep the setChase a check, never chase a bitchMask on, fuck it, mask off