- In the Residual Income Chapter
total capital ( Invested Capital )=
Net working capital + net fixed assets = book value of long term debt + book value of equity, why?
- Based on the explanation for ROIC in the Equity CFA book on page 165,
invested capital= cash, cash equivalents + working capital requriement + net fixed asset
Why the definition for the invested capital different for these two situations? Do we have to memorize both of the formulas?
There is no single formula. Whatever different versions you find compile them and remember them because different item sets may provide different formats of balance sheet.
This is a piece I dont really like but guess we dont have many options.
Do you mind explaining a little why the equation below is equal to each other? What do working capital and fixed assets have something to do with the euqity and debt? Thanks!
Net working capital + net fixed assets = book value of long term debt + book value of equity
#1 is just rearranging the basic accounting equation of: Assets = Liabilities + Equity. It assumes a simple Balance Sheet (no intangibles, goodwill, or anything that doesn’t fit in the simple buckets). #2 is something someone came up with for their analysis. “Invested Capital” could be defined many ways. Look st Note 4 at the bottom of p. 165. I personally don’t plan on memorizing one specific definition of something so flexible. The idea is simply that the business is employing assets/capital to generate earnings. So how do you measure the effectiveness?
You are amazing! It feels so good to figure this out. Thanks for your help!