I think lets compile things a bit…
Please visit the mock exam link (study.cfainstitute) and please answer yes/no on whether you are able to access it along with your confidence level out of 10 on passing the exam
Here’s mine: Yes, 6/10
I think lets compile things a bit…
Please visit the mock exam link (study.cfainstitute) and please answer yes/no on whether you are able to access it along with your confidence level out of 10 on passing the exam
Here’s mine: Yes, 6/10
Well I can click on the link, but it shows "
This account does not have access to a course. Your access might be expired or you are using the wrong email.
Double check you are using the correct email and log in again."
so No,3/10
No, 7/10
I can access the study/mocks page and see 2018 and 2019 question bank (retaker). Used Chrome browser
Last year I was just under MPS - hopefully this year did better.
Using ios no… using chrome yes 7/10
I can access mock exams/study materials. 5/10 (I keep telling myself I failed so that way i’m pleasantly surprised if I do). First time taking level 3
I can’t access the link (i.e. it shows This account does not have access… etc) but I can hit top right drop down and get into the user portal … at which point it just shows me historically the summary of question bank
No, 5/10
No course(s) found
This account does not have access to a course. Your access might be expired or you are using the wrong email.
Double check you are using the correct email and log in again.
First time L3
I am a retaker as well… could also check with firefox if you can? I can access with both
Retaker, on chrome can access 2018 and 2019.
Yes, 6/10
I am a retaker as well. Could you please check with Firefox too? I can access with both
try clean up your cache and cookie in chrome then try it again
Was there a tell last year that you are aware of since you retaking this year?
Yeah this is how my work time is being spent currently… analyzing the tells on AF with low confidence interval L-O-L …
So far it looks like retakers can access it regardless of confidence level, while first timers are 50/50
Lets see based on more inputs
i see the mocks. am i doomed? i had high mock scores…did i bubble in wrong answers?
The Scholarship tell worked last year if I recall…
fresh candidate
no access
8-9 /10
well I’m a retaker, but I don’t have access to the mock exam