B) I am also planning to move to London for a job so,
i) How much pay should I expect? (I just turned 17 few days ago and till my job I would be 18, My ACCA would be complete by then and I would have begun CFA)
ii) Which firms are best for finance related training? (I have little to no experience)
C) When you do ACCA you get a Oxford Brookes Degree, can I use that to enter CFA?
A) You can view the topics covered in CFA Level 1 on the CFA website. You can do your cross-check there.
i)Your pay depends. Can’t really say what pay you should expect.
ii) If you have no experience, why are you worried about getting into the firm with the best training program? just focus on getting into a firm and build experience. Now is not the time to be picky.
C) That is a question you need to ask the CFA Institute. It is their job to know degree equivalents.