not able to study like L1 :( Body and mind is tired

I feel like i’m leveling up like mad a s i log into Finquiz and see the % of questions completed climb each time… a much better way to waste time than grinding mobs in Warcraft…

I’m in the same boat - just haven’t made any progress the last few weeks! Atleast you started right after Dec so you have a valid reason for burn-out…I’m from the June batch and yet all I’m doing these days is telling myself that after work I MUST study…and then get home to only stare at my notes…really sucks!


Yeah we do. 13% nominal GDP growth you know. Not receding like the French economy.

nominal = real + inflation. I think inflation accounts for 12% in that equation. Your call center economy will not last long.

when I look at my friends who visited India facebook all I see is pictures of people begging, large crowds and traffic, children shitting on the roads, muslims hanging up animals upside down, dirty streets. was slumdog millionaire a good sample of your country?

you deserve some days off bro. I thought you were 23-24 just fresh out of college

I took the WPI inflation into consideration, which is what the RBI uses. That stood close to 6.5% last month. You should also know that investors in a country like yours are investing here in India because they see growth.

I don’t think slumdog millionaire was a good sample. I can’t help it if you can just see the things which you pointed. No one is telling you to like it. You can keep your ass in France and have all sorts of opinions. Your opinions don’t depict how a country is and what it can be.

I also don’t want to argue with an ignorant freak like you. I’ve seen your posts on the forum, and I’m pretty sure you’d come off as one of the most hated members.

I only posted to help out someone. It doesn’t include you, nor did you contribute to the discussion other than your usual cribbings.

wasnt the whole rape scandal in India started when a guy took his girlfriend to a movie? is it any safer now?

@blackomen so you’re using Finquiz practice questions? they are all ready for use? vignette style as well? i bought Elan. as much as i love the videos and notes, the PQ are not yet ready (apart from FRA, eco and quant). i need to practice my equity to check my (slow) progress. So am thinking of buying Finquiz question package (mocks and quiz) as well. i think lotsa practices will be the only thing i can do now to help me with a decent chance of passing.


Ditto! I’m in the same boat as you. I have read most of equity but haven’t practiced because Elan hasn’t released the PQs yet. I dropped them an email regarding the same but they didn’t get back to me.

I think I’d wait for a few more days. I really don’t want to spend more on another provider.

Dw ur not alone… I hardly remember any of the readings I’ve completed. I think we’re all burnt out since we jumped right into level 2 prep after completing level 1 in dec. infact I feel so guilty that I’ve tightened my schedule so that I finish my readings sooner to give me more time for practice!

Hang in there!

Symbian, are you working? I envy you if you’re able to fit in a couple hours of golf everyday in addition to ample studying time. I’m leaving the house at 4:50 a.m. and getting home after 8 p.m. (this includes study time) every day. A day on the links would be awesome!

Alisha, I felt the same way throughout my first read. You’ll be surprised to find how much you can actually recall once you begin your review. Don’t stress yet - if you’re like most people (myself included) things will really start to “click” in the review stages.

@ cgottuso

Yes, I do work but then it’s complicated. I’m one of the directors of a company so I just do my share of work and I don’t have to report to anyone. Also, the other directors are understanding and happily take the extra load considering I have a very important exam coming. Sometimes I even work from home. So, I try to take a couple of hours off in the evening for golf. It really helps me from burning out.

Your coworkers happily take on the extra work while you spend the time improving your own career track and potential?? Thats sounds way too good to be true

Yeah, see as I said it’s complicated.

We started this off as a family business and then hired more people as the company grew. So, we (our family) still holds a majority stake in the company, and therefore, I sort of get some leeway when it comes to extra work.

It’s not a very large business. We are a private company which retails high end furniture through a couple of stores.

In India, specially in the smaller towns, this kind of structure is very common. There aren’t a lot of MNCs for which a lot of people work for, but rather a large number of small players which employ a smaller workforce and carry out their business.

I kinda felt like there was a *lot* less IFRS vs GAAP stuff on L2 than was on L1… to the point where I’m actually relieved.

Hi Vicky,

I feel like garbage too. I can’t seem to get into study mode. Even though I took a few months off between L1 and L2 I’m feeling drained. I can readreadread but my brain protests when I try to apply my knowledge.

Even when I go to the library I manage to avoid practice problems by reading for hours.

It’s bad. I’m not sure what to do about it.