not able to study like L1 :( Body and mind is tired

now it makes sense. You left out the key fact your family are the owners from before. pretty critical info

Hi Alisha,

What is your strategy? Did you read everything and then go back to do BB and EOC?

Hi Kev,

I had trouble with that reading too. There seemed to be so much information and so many stupid deails – I couldn’t keep anything straight. I flipped to the back of the chapter and read the summary. The summary is easier to absorb.

I think all you need is a break, meanwhile you will get re-motivated again. If i remember correctly, didnt you start studying right after level 1 exams in dec?

I haven’t finished my readings yet but should be done soon (hopefully). Thing is I started doing EOCs and it was taking too much time coz I’d get frustrated with the questions and start losing interest. I do the BBs while I’m reading through schweser… As mentioned I’ve decided to hurry up with the readings to give myself time to practice.

Good luck!

death smiles at us all,the only thing a man can do is smile back

I really like few of your comments in af. Ya we have everything in my country i.e., from best to worst. Everything in the offering. See a big picture of a country not just a movie. No hard feeling.

I wonder, did your friend smile at his own death?

You loved my father, I know. But so did I. That makes us brothers, doesn’t it? Smile for me now, brother. [stabs Alladin]

jai ho.

does anyone feel that the studying gets slower as you are trying to do equity?

yes… jeez I JUST finished euity and I am farther behind then probably everyone on this forum @_@

I think I will do what Alisha says and just get through the readings ASAP and start practicing sooner… I wish I took a break of some sort, but I guess it is too late to say that now!

Good Luck everyone!

In terms of volume it took sometime but not due to level of difficulty.

epic music plays, platform rises, alladin drowns frenchie in own blood.


iteracom looks from above as he holds the puppet strings and smiles deviously.

*screen fades out*

until iteracom is unplugged from the supposed real world and wakes up in the real world, 2075, with alladin looking down on him saying :‘welcome to the real world’

I am facing serious office politics and my job is on the line .

I have decided now i give it my all . Come on

I will do whatever it takes

i have to silence my critics

i will repeat L1

Pray for me.

Years later, Aladdin is led to a room full of screens one day. At the far end of the room, a chair turns around and there sits the real iteracom, the architect. Iteracom further explains the truth to Aladdin that he is but the 8th version of what has transpired, and he is just playing the role destiny has assigned, and there’s nothing he can do to stop it.

And then Alladin turned off the TV and he saw that it was good.

If you have enough money to survive a year or two of unemployment, you could consider going full force on L2 and using it to find a better job… especially if the chances that you’ll be fired is quite high even if you give it your all.

Just a second opinion…