not able to study like L1 :( Body and mind is tired

^ Totally agree with that.

I’m curious, how highly regarded is the CFA in India? I know in France for instance (where I’m from) it’s not as common at all as it is in the U.S or U.K. Here it’s almost a “must” for some jobs, while there, some people in the finance industry haven’t even heard of it.

Its gaining reputation in India

Gd call! I’m still deathly afraid of this reading… Schweser didnt help by saying this reading could be tested heavily. Even if I can get things straight now, very good chance ill forget most of it after I through others… :S.

Great! Then you have a serious incentive to study for it. Good luck :slight_smile:

Now yesterday i went to bed at 9 pm to get up at 10 pm and study

But i wake up at 7 am angry

I’ve been there, and this is what I’m doing now to rejuvenate myself.

I setup a sport day (two hours per week) with my friends and go play indoor basketball (from 8-10pm). I sweat and get exhausted even DURING the game, but that really helps me balance my life. I work in finance field, but my daily work doesn’t involve any of what Level II teaches me, so work is not helping me directly with this exam. I have kids (second is one the way), and I find myself very busy with my life now. I am studying this exam with my whole heart and time permitted, and I may not pass in the end. However, I do think studying 24/7 is not healthy and non-efficient from my past experience. Some material is so dry for me that I need to segment my weekly activities into different caegories.

Do something else when you are free, something you like to do, and if you still think about this exam, you will come back and find time to read the material at the end of the day/week. By that time, you may also feel that your mind is refreshed magically.

Hope it helps a bit.


@ Symbian - you see to have the life we are all working to get to. Family business, no one to report to, get to sneak of to the links. This may be a loaded question, but why not concentrate on the family business instead of finance?