Due to health reasons and some other commitments I couldn’t start my studies for Level 3 June exam. I can take 2 weeks off before exam and can study everyday for 2.5-3 hours. I am really skeptical should I give exam or should give up this attempt and relax and not waste my 2 weeks of leave which I can use to give quality time to my family and job.
I humbly request experts to guide. Also I am confused in which in order should I study or which prep providers material should I use ?
I’m not sure if you’re serious or if this is a joke. If you’re serious I have anxiety even thinking about it.
There is a mountain of material to get through. You’d be hard pressed to have a fighting chance at this point. I started L3 on Jan 2nd and I still haven’t looked at trading/GIPS. I study every morning before work for an hour and usually 2 hours after work. On top of 6-7 hours each Saturday and Sunday. Usually take Friday night off to drink wine and spend time with the lady - just to make sure she’s still around when I finish this thing.
Unless you have superhuman abilities I honestly wouldn’t bother at this point. Enjoy those 2 weeks off
if you have already paid for it… then I might sit but just to get a better understanding of what the test is like. but definitely do not sacrifice your vacation.
Agree with Slim Charles (which I hope is an homage to The Wire, the best show there ever was). If you’ve already paid I would read the Secret Sauce from Schweser or something and definitely sit for it. I found the hardest part about L3 was time management in the AM section. I knew the material very well but let myself spend too much time on a quesiton I was feeling unsure about and I ultimately left a few blank because of it–despite knowing the answers. You can practice pacing yourself etc…
I’m a retaker. So I’ll tell you this. Unless you feel you can master the material in 1 month then take mocks and morning essays in the other month till you drop then go for it. What you should do at this point is open up the 2018 morning exam and see how well you do. If you can actually answer most of the questions go for it. If not dont’ deal with the stress. There’s a mountain of material to cover and the brain can only absorb so much each day.
Retaker as well. Defer to next year. It genuinely takes 6-8 months to go through the material, grasp what the hell is going on (certianly relative to level 1 and level 2), and apply it properly.
Everyone above makes very valid points. The only thing I’d say is that we don’t know your background or how quickly you can master subjects. I’d say give it your best shot - it’s only 7 or 8 weeks. Don’t drive yourself crazy or ruin relationships, but if you can put forth a concerted effort, I think you have an outside chance. Just keep perspective, which it seems like you have. At worst, you’ll have the experience of going through at least part of the material and sitting for the exam. If you don’t pass, you’ll be better prepared next year. Even if it’s a small chance, I’d say take it, because you never know. Grab a prep provider, run through some notes and problems, then hit mock exams a couple weeks before. Best of luck.