Now that I have Netflix...

I thought this new season was awesome. The prior season, however. . .

^ I’m through ep 7 now and the last few episodes have been very good. The first 2 or 3 were horrid though and I wouldn’t have made it to 4 if I wasn’t already invested in the series.

This season is almost as good as season 1. They finally got their act together

can’t wait to start watching the new season!

Wow, not a single Netflix and Chill meme. This seems like a forum for mature ppl.

4th of July

I really liked The Borgia series from Canal +, (pretty sure it’s Netflix). Fascinating time and family I didn’t know existed. I’ve since read a couple books about Rodrigo and Cesare. Of course I had read the prince but didn’t know much about him

i just finished bingeing on Dexter. I have to say the first season is probably one of the top 5 single seasons of television in history. The first 5 seasons or so ,at the end of most episodes I would think “this is a great fucking show”. Too bad it fizzled out the last couple seasons. Dexter’s grand gesture to finish the series definitely fell flat with me.

…it wasn’t quite the same for me after Rita. i love how they made her homely in the beginning and insanely hot towards the end.

I’ve held off from watching Dexter as the ending seems to have been universally panned. Might reconsider.

Big fan of Dexter as well! The season with John Lithgow was best.

after trinity it went down hill

Aye, hard to top the Trinity killer. Lithgow is scary as hell. Love Dexter. Didn’t like the ending, though I feel it’s only temporary. He’ll be back; he can’t stop himself.

agree and what happened to Rita really affected me, especially when Dexter had to tell the kids (that situation happened in my immediate family, minus the gruesome murder part).

also Rita was wicked hot and it was a shame to see her go.

My wife noped the fuck out of Dexter after Rita. That hit her hard. I continued to watch it, but it really never got its groove back.

Dexter was so f’ing great for those first few seasons. Never seen a show go downhill harder than that. Sons of Anarchy is up there too.

what is noped?

86’d it

See the third definition.

Commonly used like - “When the gigantic spider dropped in front of me, I noped the fuck out of the attic.”

