Now until June 7

Taking Level II in June and I anticipate being through the material the first time (taking my own notes along the way) by the end of the month. The question is how to spend the month April? What is the best use of my time to prepare for the actual exam? Reread sections I’m unsure on? EOC questions? Elan questions? Videos? Reading my own hand written notes? Plan is to do mock exams all of May/early June.

I, too, will be done reading all of the material by the end of the month. For what it’s worth, for the first 2+ weeks of April, I plan on doing only CFAI examples and EOCs. Starting Saturday, April 19, I plan on doing a timed practice exam every Saturday, grading and reviewing the answers on Sunday, using weekdays between mocks to work on weak areas… rinse and repeat.

All of the above. You’re approaching the last stretch. Don’t leave anything in reserve. Give it all you got.

^He’s not approaching the last stretch! The hardest level of them all, Level 3, is yet to come!

One exam at a time. Don’t look too far away.

Buzzkill as usual Greenman. Just worried about one exam at a time. How about you add some value and opine on the topic?!? Drop a few of those tips that helped you in your level II prep.

I would jump straight into questions. as you run into topics you totally forgot, or are weak in, then go back to your hand notes or the book to refresh.

doing practice problems is just as much learning as readin the books


^ +2

This deserves another bump.