For bonds with emebedded options which is the mesuaure of spread we use? The OAS or Z spread? I have read the OAS spread is more useful, but given the below definitions I don’t understand why the OAS spread is a better measure? Panic setting now, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
The OAS is the spread over a non-zero -volatility Treasury spot curve that eliminates the value of any embedded options.
The Z-spread is the spread over the zero -volatility (hence the “Z” in Z -spread) Treasury spot curve that includes the value of any embedded options.
Since you’re dealing with embedded options, certain paths in the interest rate tree result in the bond being called or put. So essentially, certain paths of the tree are truncated. The OAS is a constant spread added across these remaining interest rate paths. As a result, the OAS is just a spread that reflects liquidity and credit risk and does not include the option cost.