OMG I would marry her

and that folks is the story of black swan’s first experience with a strap on.

She’s cute tho, I would bang her, marry her, and bang her again.

I would not be afraid of a girl that fights better than me. I will assume that chick is mentally stable and has no violence issues like the majority of people that practices healthy sports…

How did you come upon this rule?

I used to do karate. There was this chick, shed always hit the guys near full force of what she could do. Noone would give the girls any oomph back. One time I did, punched her in the stomach during sparring. Not that hard. This was after she’d kicked me in the balls many times. Lemme tell you, they hate when the double standard is not observed.


Speaking of marrying athletes, I’m calling her:

edit: NSFW

God dammit, the instant you said you were calling an athlete my mind jumped to mckayla.

+2 Gawtdayums

I like how we have given up the idea that anyone in WC is going to NSFW tag a link. I just have to assume any click could lead to a full page instawhore profile.

Yes people, please label if NSFW.

Nice butt implants. Everyone getting butt implants. Enough already.

She’s a gymnast, that’s the real deal.

Don’t believe it

She’s gradually filled out since she stopped training. I think that sort of thickness is pretty par for the course. At least, I really want to believe that’s her real ass. Now, her face, especially those lips, are fake af.

i inspected it frame by frame. FAKE

Have you ever seen an actual higher level ex gymnasts legs? They’re fucking thick.

it’s not the thickness, it’s the shape of parts relative to itself. i have a phd on this subject.

She has as close to an actually perfect body as a human female can achieve. It’s not unreasonable to assume that she’d be proportional.

well that’s the the thing, it’s not proportional or anatomically correct. glute muscles and the fat on top of them don’t protrude out past the hip bones like that, classic telltale sign. like i said i’m an expert in this subject matter.

^very true. thought the same thing.