Hey there guys, what are the odds of passing the exam on June 2nd, if starting the ‘hardcore’ full time one month study session today. (approx. 36 days, 5-8 study hours daily)
Thanks in advance! Your opinion and tips are so welcome…
Hey there guys, what are the odds of passing the exam on June 2nd, if starting the ‘hardcore’ full time one month study session today. (approx. 36 days, 5-8 study hours daily)
Thanks in advance! Your opinion and tips are so welcome…
At this moment you should aim at summarizing. As you can understand you it is close to impossible to master the entire content with so little time left. If you need help with summarizing, visit http://www.path2finance.com it’s got some really concise videos and they’re for free. You may also wanna follow them on Twitter @pathfinance. Best.
4 days left to start revision is there any one left with any study session due to some health issue m not sucessful in completing the all 18 sessions and still study session 3 left and 2 chap of study session 14 left any guidance for me?
I think it’s going to depend largely on how well you retain information, your background, and how well you deal with pressure. Anyone here can only give you a subjective probability of passing for people that study only one month.
For myself, I am a slow learner so I probably could not accomplish enough studying in a one month time span to pass the test however I do know people that have passed the level 1 exam with one month of preparation. Some common traits among them are their ability to think extremely quickly, exceptional educational/professional background, and in general just pretty damn smart.
In the end, there’s only one way to find out…hit the books and see what happens! good luck
my goal is to comp the remaining sessions before 1st may in normal days its not a big deal but now adays its really hard for me to accomplish this goal n thats why m asking