Operating Leverage - how and where is it used in the curriculum

I get different definitions for Operating Leverage. Could some one please clarify. In which topic is it useful. For example, Equity - Operating leverage is referred to in Porter’s Five forces under Degree of Rivalry among Existing competitors. Is it used in FSA as well? under what context?

Operating leverage is the percentage of fixed cost in a company’s cost structure. I don’t think it is used in FSA…

Hi ClementVC. Thanks for the clarification. That makes sense. Somewhere in the book, I vaguely remember reading that Operating Leverage and Operating Margin are one and the same. EBIT / Sales. I guess I was wrong.

I just remember that in the mocks they include operating leverage in ROE dupont analysis… don’t let them trick you dude… it is totally different than financial leverage (total asset/equity)

It is not in this year’s LOS.