I am trying to understand partial equilibrium how it would work by taking only variable into consideration, Can someone please help me with an example
I am trying to understand partial equilibrium how it would work by taking only variable into consideration, Can someone please help me with an example
side note, but you are listed as a CFA 1 Candidate, but have the CFA badge.
Note that you can only have the badge if you are actually a CFA Charterholder.
If you haven’t passed a test yet, you should have no badge next to your user icon. Once you pass level 1, you can wear the level 1 badge, and so on.
@not_a_CFA Thanks but I am not getting an option to change it in the Preferences, can you help me how can I update my badge
Where do you see this in the curriculum?
I did a search and couldn’t find it.
It sounds familiar, but may have been dropped from the curriculum.