Passed Level 1 & 2 on first attempts - failed Ethics both times

First post - long time lurker.

2 exams passed - 2 fails in Ethics … the strange thing is I really felt that I understood the ethics sections well and that these should have been easy marks. I scored well on the mocks in Ethics - what am I doing wrong in the exam when it comes to these sections?

sacrilege !

Successful troll is successful.

lol, j/k. I found on Level 1, practice problems were what helped. CFAI EOC ethics questions were too easy, but doing hundreds (id every single ethics question in QBank can’t remember how many) I started to know where the issues would be by just reading the first sentence. Honestly got to the point where I didn’t even have to think, I didn’t have anything memorized but had an intuitve feel for what was allowed and what wasn’t.

I have to agree level 2 Ethics was way too difficult for me. Dont remember whether it was AM or PM. But one session literally killed me and I feared my result because of that :slight_smile: In the end got 50-70.

In the end, practise and learning from practise as rawiswarden has said is the key. I am not going to leave L3 ethics the way I left L2. I got to nail that down with practise :slight_smile:

But yeah, unless I get to a point where the answer doesnt pop up for me (like it did in Level 1)- I am not going to leave that stuff!

My suggestion is very simple smiley:

To answer as many ethics question you can lay your hands on …be it CFAI material,Schweser, finquiz or what ever you can find, develop an intution, what you might feel is good for you as a normal being might not be technically the correct answer on the “Ethics” portion…you have to know the nuances and see how they test the Ethics part of the portion on the CFA exams…the only way…Practice practice…practice…

Motivation to do 100’s of questions ? - This might be your break or fail deciding factor… !

I concur with Sooraj & Rawiswarden …the key word is Practice

June L2 Ethics was a beast, more than 50% of those who passed the exam bombed Ethics. There is just no way of preparing for Ethics. Its a lottery. Won’t waste my time on Ethics and Economics on level 3. I am always bombing these sections.

Economics is part of PM in level 3, I wouldnt skip it if i were you

schweser qbank has about 500 ethics questions for level 1 and 2… there are about 50 that are “very difficult”… just memorize all of them

Try re-reading the material for pleasure focusing every minute detail. Understanding the text in detail can help you in solving questions. Value Judgments can be made once you are known to all major dimensions. I would say better go through Ethics text from CFAI material again assuming you’ve no prior knowledge and you are going through it the first time.

failed in ethics… hmm…let me diagnose… most probably you r an indian like me… :stuck_out_tongue: just kiddin, there could be other reasons as well…

I also did a good number of ethics questions for prep. I understand it, but marks say something else