False CFA charterholder salary info

vote to get this false salary information removed, my firm actually quoted it. -THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A CFA CHARTERHOLDER WITH LESS THAN 4 YEARS OF WORK EXPERIENCE!

Do those numbers have any bearing in reality? It says 138 individuals reported but the numbers look *extremely* low, even if “salary” is only being defined as base salary and not all in compensation. Does anyone have updated accurate numbers? I’m just curious what the industry average is.

hazyskunk Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > vote to get this false salary information removed, > my firm actually quoted it. > > -THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A CFA CHARTERHOLDER > WITH LESS THAN 4 YEARS OF WORK EXPERIENCE! > > > e-career-research-center-feedback/suggestions/2159 > 083-cfa-charterholder-salary-information-for-less- > than?ref=title > > > Financial_Analyst_%28CFA%29/Salary/by_Years_Experi > ence It used to be 3 years before they changed it to 4. Maybe he was grandfathered.