PCP Investigation

Hello all!

Can you help me please, i don’t know what to do…

I am a lvl 1 candidate and several days ago i received email with the information that my answers that lots of my answers are similar with another candidate or candidates

I was totally shoked

I have spend lots of my money and my time to prepare for this exam When i was on the exam all that i’ve done was just sitting on my chair and looking on my exam list and doing test!!! I didn’t show my exam list to any person, just sit and write and look on my exam list Special staff,proctors didn’t talk to me, they didn’t tell me any special comments, remarks, call downs, because i have just came to the exam, took a sit and began to do my own exam Tell me please what i need to do, I’m really surprised and fully devastated Thank to everybody!

There’s some statistical analysis the institute does, similarity analysis I believe it’s called, that shows you have similar answers to someone that sat near you. Best case is there’s some long drawn out process and they eventually release your results, but that’s best case.

The_BigGuy :

Thanks for your answer

Yes, i received email with the information about similarity analysis, but there were no proctors reports or something that can prove their words

As I understand if proctor saw me cheating or looking somewhere else except my lists proctor can tell me not to do so, show “yellow card” or something like that

But proctors didn’t tell me except reglament and other official things as for all

I just sat on my chair and do my best with my exam lists

Maybe you know are there some cameras in the class rooms?

How i can prove that I tell the truth?

Can you post a copy of the letter they sent you or have they thrown it under a confidentiality obligation?

I am curious as to what violation they are looking to tag you with and how they can possibly get over their “more likely than not” standard. We can also perhaps suggest some helpful responses or how to deal with tht PCP process.

In the email its written: “PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL”

So i think that i can’t post it there or share with another person

What responses can you give me?

I rely on your help so much, i am really very disappointed because of this situation

If no proctor filed a suspected cheating report against you, they are probably just letting you know that your answers are similar to someone else’s and they are being looked at. It’s possible that your table neighbor was suspected of cheating, and they’re doing a similarity analysis using your answers. You’ll likely be OK in this scenario (pass or fail, notwithstanding)

However, if they did file a report of suspected cheating against you… well, you’re screwed…

My advice:

(i) Read and understand the Rules of Procedure for Professional Conduct (the “Rules”). They are these silly little quasi-judicial rules that the CFAI puts out to define their proceudres. They kinda look like an amatuer version of the Federal Code of Civil Procedure, but throw out little things like, I dunno, rules of evidence. However, they do institute standards on themselves in regard to processing a disiplinary infraction. YOU CAN USE THESE TO YOUR ADVANTAGE. Understand every single one of their obligations, including timing requirements, notice obligations, quorums, responses, etc. You are due certain documents in a certain order followed by procedural steps in between. Make sure they fulfill every single one of their oblgiations to you. If they screw up any of the steps, you can and should cite it.


(ii) Make sure what you have is a Notice of Investigation. There are requirements to a Notice of Investigation set forth in Rule 6.2, so be sure they are included. If not, the paper you are holding in your hand is a nullity in regard to the Rules.

(iii) If what you are holding is, in fact, a valid Notice of Investigation, the next thing that will ensue is… surprise… an investigation. You are not required to respond at all at this stage and, most likely, should plead the Fifth so to speak. Remember that anything you say is going to be parsed to find the nuggets that can be used against you or that they can find evidence to contradict, so let the CFAI go forward with their investigation without formal response. Again, a Notice of Investigation does not require a response.

Here is where it will get tricky for them if the only basis for their investigation is the statistical analysis. The investigation stage allows them to go out to interview people and collect evidence. If there is no factual basis for their investigation, no people to interview to evidence their allegation, and no independent physical evidence to collect, it will be very hard for them to get over the standard of “sufficient evidence of a violation”.

(iv) If they make a preliminary determination that a violation occured, they will most likely send you an Early Resolution Agreement. At this point, they do not have to provide any evidence or even an argument that you have committed a violation. I have read through the Rules a couple times and can’t find any benifit to signing it (other than the fact that a hearing takes time in which the CFAI will withhold your exam result).

(v) If they do get to the next step of a Statement of Charges. Here they have to present to you their preliminary findings of fact and their conclusions (basically, their legal discovery). Here is where you get to start finding holes in their reasoning… Figure out the math and the method used to flag your test (more about that below). Find out if they got a proctor to talk (and presumably what was alleged). Figure out if your physical testbook was examined. This should include the basis of their findings, so if it is just that your test was statistically flagged as similar to someone else’s, this is where you start to poke holes.

(vi) You should respond in writing to the Statement of Charges. Poke at every piece of evidence that they presented agaisnt you. If a proctor provided incriminating testimony, why didn’t s/he report a violation at the time? Was the proctor prompted by the investigator? Did the investigators check the work in your testbook to see how your answers were derived? How about the person with the similar responses? Why not? Isn’t that important evidence? Was the other test-taker interviewed? Why not? Has his testbook been reviewed? Which answers are considered similar? How far away was he from your desk? Why doesn’t the investigator know this? Did they bother to ask these simple questions? No? Why not? Is the case perhaps that the questions were asked, but the answers didn’t fit the allegations so they weren’t recorded? No? What safeguards were put in place to prevent that kind of bias? How were they enforced? Has the investigator ever been subject to violation of these safeguards? Have any investigators been? If not, are they really effective safeguards?

(vii) I did want to say one thing about the math. As you know from your Quantitative Methods studies, a similarity analysis is similar to a statistical test. They will throw all the tests into a data mining algorithm to figure out the significance of similarity between tests and will send out letters to recipients above a certain threshold (e.g., anyone with less than a .1% chance of similarlities appearing randomly). Take that number and apply the number of test-takers. For example, if there were 100,000 test-takers where no one has cheated, this method would result in 100 totally innocent false positives. (e.g., they are cherry-picking results and using the inherent statistical bias against their candidates). Again this is totally predictable due to faults in their methods. Which is to say, whatever their method, figure it out and challenge it. Don’t be intimidated by their math; as you should know, there are always statistical and operational errors to go after.

(viii) Go get a lawyer. CFAI shouldn’t be pulling this crap and getting smacked down once in a while may get them to reconsider sending out garbage like this.

Hope this helps.

the proctors are not obligated to tell you of a violation when it occurred. And, if i recall a conversation I had with a proctor last year correctly, they aren’t even allowed to tell you about the violation… so, there’s that.

GTFOH… that recommendation is garbage if I’ve ever seen it… you must be of the entitled society…

As far as I know, Proctors are not required to give individual candidates notice that they are reporting a violation, but the proctirs do report them to PCP contemporaneously with the violation. If there was not an immediate report made, the question arises as to why not and whether the proctor was prompted after the fact to testify in line with the statistical analysis…

Are you kidding? Standing up for your rights is not entitled. Entitled is taking $1,000+ six months from a candidate and then invalidating their test for no good reason. Entitled is a CFA charterholder tsk-tsking others of availing themselves of their rights under the CFAI’s own Rules of Procedure (I encourage you to re-check Rule 1.3(a) ).

CFAI has set up some ludicrously silly rules for contesting allegations of misconduct where they act as both judge and prosecutor. They also made them so complicated that the typical non-attorney CFA candiate may have trouble understanding their rights or how to effectively combat a false accusation. In addition to making the rules, I guarantee you that the CFAI has attorneys on their side working through this stuff. Do you figure they’re part of the entitled society as well or would you just prefer that candidates arrive unilaterally disarmed.

I like where your head is at JSD NYC, but the institute is the judge and jury and all we can do is accept their decision. Should OP fight tooth and nail, absolutely but it may be an act of futility. I hear a lot of these similarity analysis get overturned but there are delays in results being released, many times over a year. Good luck OP and buckle up.

you are lolol naive if you think you a lawyer will be anything but a waste of your money - on what grounds would you have a claim? There is no legal issue here, nor is there a “fairness” quotient here - if they say you cheated, you did, that’s the end of it from the institutes perspective.

re youre citation it says you have the right to retain council - as in - you are allowed to have a lawyer represent you in the matter if you want to spend the money. It doesnt say or imply it will matter for the purpose of a test violation. Recall that PCP violations can be matters of law aw well, thus the lawyer, whereas this is not a legal matter, no law was broken, just an institute rule of test-taking procedure.

By your logic, one might as well not have a lawyer at a FINRA hearing or any non-governmental tribunal - just accept whatever you are accused of, ignore any rights you may have, throw out whatever novice arguments you may have, don’t worry about analyzing or leveraging the Rules of Procedure - because, hey, that’s the end of it and it’s nothing but a waste of money. Hate to say it, Prof., but you are the one being painfully naive (I am assuming your’s is not a professorship of jurisprudence, yes?)

Thanks all for the answers!

I hope everything will be ok

Tell me please did you all receive your results?

i believe most of us got back our results! hope you get yours soon!

I would really work on my reading comprehension before trying to tackle levels two and three

Does the issue get resolved?